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Ontario College of Teachers commissions The Hon. Patrick LeSage to review regulatory processes

August 26 2011

September 1st (Toronto) - The Honourable Patrick J. LeSage C.M., O.ONT., Q.C., has been commissioned by the Ontario College of Teachers to review the regulatory body’s investigation and disciplinary procedures and outcomes and dispute resolution program.

“We regularly ask independent experts to review key aspects of the College’s practices to ensure that we continue to serve the public interest effectively,” says College Registrar Michael Salvatori, OCT. “The College has a critical responsibility to protect the public interest and the safety of Ontario students.”

In 2002, the College released its advice to all Ontario certified teachers in a professional advisory, Professional Misconduct Related to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Misconduct.

“It is prudent and timely to review the currency and relevance of the advice, and of our practices and procedures across the College’s entire investigation and disciplinary mandate,” said Salvatori.

“This independent review by the College is very timely, as British Columbia’s government is reviewing the mandate and operations of the BC College of Teachers, the only other regulatory body for teachers in Canada,” says College Chair Liz Papadopoulos, OCT. “This will be an excellent opportunity for us to reflect on our practices as well and see where we can improve.’’

Patrick J. LeSage has presided over some of Canada’s most publicized and complex cases. He has served on a number of commissions and has conducted reviews including that of Ontario’s police complaints system and of the Canadian military justice provisions of the National Defence Act.

He is a former Commissioner of the Ontario Securities Commission. He was made a Member of the Order of Canada for his contributions to the Ontario justice system and for his ongoing dedication to public service. In 2009, he was appointed a member of the Order of Ontario.

The College has asked Mr. LeSage to complete his review by May 31, 2012. His report will be made public by the College of Teachers.

The Ontario College of Teachers licenses, governs and regulates the profession of teaching in the public interest. It sets standards of practice and ethical standards, conducts investigations and disciplinary hearings and accredits teacher education programs affecting its more than 230,000 members in publicly funded schools and institutions across Ontario. The College is the largest self-regulatory body in Canada.

For more information:
Gabrielle Barkany, OCT
416-961-8800, ext. 621
Toll-free 1-888-534-2222, ext. 621

Brian Jamieson
416-961-8800, ext. 655 
Toll-free 1-888-534-2222, ext. 655

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

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