February 13 2025
The Ontario College of Teachers will be closed on Monday, February 17 for Family Day. We will return to our usual business hours on Tuesday, February 18.
February 10 2025
Due to scheduled system maintenance, the College website may be unavailable between 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11.
February 03 2025
PLEASE NOTE: You may be required to pass the Math Proficiency Test to be certified by the Ontario College of Teachers. Please read the information below to avoid potential delays in your certification.
January 14 2025
Effective Dec. 31, 2024, the College no longer accepts academic transcripts, degree scrolls, or any other documents received from World Education Services (WES).
December 17 2024
This year has been one of growth, innovation, and collaboration at the College. It also marked the first year under the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, which guides how we fulfill our mandate to serve the public interest mandate by regulating the teaching profession to protect students.
December 12 2024
At the College Council meeting on December 12, 2024, it was announced that Diana Miles will be stepping down from her role as Chair of Council, effective December 31, 2024.
November 08 2024
On October 1, 2024, College Council approved a request to the Minister of Education that regulations be amended to establish a process to administratively suspend Ontario Certified Teachers (OCT) who do not meet the professional requirement to successfully complete the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (the Program).
October 30 2024
Ontario College of Teachers members, you have less than one week to join the 32,000 Ontario Certified Teachers who have completed the Focus on Teaching survey.
October 21 2024
Meet Elora Passafiume, OCT, Prachi Tanwar, OCT, Sarah Kaye and Lucas Aragao, OCT. Each received $1,500 toward their studies in initial teacher education programs.
October 21 2024
Meet Elora Passafiume, OCT, Prachi Tanwar, OCT, Sarah Kaye and Lucas Aragao, OCT. Each received $1,500 toward their studies in initial teacher education programs.
October 01 2024
College members, applicants, stakeholders and members of the public are invited to attend the Ontario College of Teachers’ 2024 Virtual Annual Meeting of Members on Wednesday, October 23 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET.
September 30 2024
On the third National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, the Ontario College of Teachers reaffirms its commitment to supporting tangible progress toward the Calls to Action identified by Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
September 25 2024
The College’s second annual Focus on Teaching survey has been distributed to all Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs) in good standing. The survey will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, November 4.
September 24 2024
The Ontario College of Teachers is aware of concerns related to a field trip made by several Toronto District School Board classes to the Grassy Narrows River Run event, as well as allegations that students were asked or permitted to participate in a protest in which inappropriate conduct is alleged to have occurred.
August 28 2024
The Ontario College of Teachers’ 2023 Annual Report is now available for members of the public and the profession to explore.
August 21 2024
On May 30, 2024, the Government of Ontario announced that the Mathematics Proficiency Test (MPT) will be reinstated as a certification requirement for teachers in Ontario as of February 1, 2025.
May 30 2024
On May 30, 2024, the Minister of Education announced that the Mathematics Proficiency Test (MPT) will be reinstated as a certification requirement for teachers in Ontario as of February 1, 2025.
April 08 2024
The College’s mandate requires us to regularly send vital information to Ontario Certified Teachers.
January 15 2024
The College’s first Focus on Teaching: A Survey of Ontario Certified Teachers report is now available. The report provides valuable data about employment trends, career opportunities, and demographics within the teaching profession.
December 20 2023
As the year concludes, I want to offer a sincere thank you to Ontario Certified Teachers and College applicants who want to join the profession. Your commitment and dedication to Ontario’s students and their learning spaces makes a meaningful impact on their lives, day in and day out.
December 19 2023
The Ontario College of Teachers will be moving forward with a new Strategic Plan that will refine how the College fulfills its public interest mandate.
December 07 2023
Effective January 2, 2024, the College will update the application process for everyone who is applying for certification.
November 28 2023
As a result of an Ontario Court of Appeal decision released on November 28, 2023, the Math Proficiency Test (MPT) will be reinstated as a requirement for certification with the Ontario College of Teachers.
September 28 2023
On Sept. 30, 2021, the inaugural National Day for Truth & Reconciliation, the College committed our ongoing and unwavering support for the vital national goal of tangible progress on Canada’s Truth & Reconciliation goals.
September 15 2023
College members, applicants, stakeholders, and members of the public are invited to attend the Ontario College of Teachers’ virtual 2023 Annual Meeting of Members on Tuesday, October 24 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET.
August 30 2023
Eligible teacher candidates are now able to apply for the new Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration (TCQR).
August 15 2023
The Temporary Certificate program ends on December 31, 2023, in accordance with provincial legislation. Eligible teacher candidates who have already applied for a Temporary Certificate, or were interested in applying, should instead apply for a Transitional Certificate when applications open on August 30, 2023.
August 14 2023
The College’s 2022 Transition to Teaching report shows Ontario teacher supply is not keeping pace with demand.
July 31 2023
The Ontario College of Teachers’ 2022 Annual Report is now available for members of the public and the profession to explore.
June 12 2023
On June 8, 2023, Bill 98, the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, received Royal Assent. This new legislation introduces significant changes aimed at enhancing student protection, improving efficiency in investigations and disciplinary processes, and strengthening public confidence in the regulation of the teaching profession.
April 19 2023
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario's teaching regulator, welcomes new legislation that will increase supports for student safety while enhancing transparency and accountability to parents and guardians.
February 13 2023
Recent amendments to the Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act (FARPACTA) will come into effect over the course of 2023.
January 17 2023
Meet Shawn Dhaliwal, Grace Rajballie, Kaitlyn Heasman and Josée Lamoureux. Each received $1,500 toward their studies in initial teacher education programs.
December 23 2022
We are responding to higher-than-normal call volumes. Members and applicants are strongly encouraged to use the self-serve options available on the College’s website.
December 09 2022
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario’s teaching regulator, welcomes the appointment of Linda Lacroix as Registrar & CEO.
November 29 2022
The College continues to increase efficiency and improve service levels by enhancing its online self-serve options.
September 30 2022
Today marks the second observance of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a solemn day to reflect on the legacy of Canada’s residential school system, the lives that were lost or forever scarred by it, and the intergenerational trauma that remains with us to this day.
September 27 2022
If you have completed your teacher education program, you are encouraged to convert your Temporary Certificate into a general Certificate of Qualification and Registration.
September 09 2022
The deadline for Ontario Certified Teachers to either successfully complete the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program or request an extension is September 15, 2022.
August 05 2022
Read our latest annual report to learn about the College’s work and education trends, including the governance transition, the most popular AQs in 2021 and more.
July 14 2022
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario’s teaching regulator, exists to protect the public interest and Ontario's more than two million students.
April 21 2022
Due to a technical issue, the option to pay the 2022 Annual Membership Fee (AMF) via telephone was temporarily unavailable. This issue has now been resolved.
March 30 2022
On March 29, Interim Registrar & CEO Chantal Bélisle, OCT and Membership Analyst Nancy Tran addressed the provincial government’s Standing Committee on Social Policy to share concerns regarding proposed amendments to the Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act (FARPACTA).
March 10 2022
This week, our new Anti-Black Racism Additional Qualification Guideline: Addressing Anti-Black Racism to Change Pedagogy and Practice was added to that collection of vital supports.
February 17 2022
The Government of Ontario has created new regulations that expand the existing temporary certificate program. The changes increase the number of teacher candidates who are eligible to apply for a temporary certificate.
February 16 2022
Join Amorell Saunders N’Daw, the lead writer of the College’s Professional Advisory on Anti-Black Racism, as she explores and illustrates the impact of conscious and unconscious bias through the lived experiences of Black students.
February 01 2022
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario’s teaching regulator, has completed the transfer of governing authority from Paul Boniferro, Transition Supervisory Officer, to its new Council, effective February 1, 2022.
January 28 2022
Every year, the College's scholarship program acknowledges teacher candidates for their outstanding academic achievement, high levels of preparedness for teacher education and resilience.
January 03 2022
The mandatory sexual abuse prevention program for Ontario Certified Teachers is now available.
December 15 2021
As part of its commitment to efficiency, effectiveness and improvement, the Ontario College of Teachers commissioned an independent review of its Membership Services department, operations, services and policies.
December 03 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario's teaching regulator, is pleased with new legislation that recognizes teacher professionalism by entrenching the professional designation "Ontario Certified Teacher" (OCT) in law.
December 01 2021
The Ministry of Education has recently announced that temporary certificate holders who were granted the temporary certificate in 2021 are able to request an extension to the current deadline from December 31, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
November 29 2021
New Certification Requirement: Sexual Abuse Prevention Program
November 16 2021
Effective January 2022, Your College and You, the College’s monthly digital member newsletter, will become our official publication.
November 04 2021
Learn about our work to further respect Indigenous Ways of Knowing as culturally responsive practices in teacher education and teaching standards.
October 12 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario’s teaching regulator, applauds new legislation that recognizes teacher professionalism by entrenching the term Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT) in legislation, reduces the size of the incoming College Council, and increases fairness to OCTs when they are not actively teaching.
October 01 2021
We asked, and members of both the teaching profession and the public answered – in unprecedented numbers. Thank you!
September 29 2021
This year, the College invited Ontarians to celebrate World Teachers’ Day by sending us short videos, giving thanks to teachers they admire.
September 21 2021
Join us on September 29, 2021 for our virtual annual meeting of members.
September 01 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario’s teaching regulator, has launched a new partnership with the Canadian Centre for Child Protection (C3P) to develop a new sexual abuse prevention program for Ontario Certified Teachers.
August 16 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario’s teaching regulator, is looking for qualified and dedicated individuals, reflecting Ontario’s diversity, to govern the teaching profession in the public interest.
August 09 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers, Ontario’s teaching regulator, welcomes new regulations that support and strengthen the College’s transition to a new and modernized governance structure.
July 08 2021
How did the pandemic affect early-career teachers’ employment? What was the most popular AQ in 2020? Find these stats and many more in the College’s 2020 Annual Report, now online.
June 25 2021
Like the rest of Canada, the College has again been shaken by a new discovery of hundreds of Indigenous people -- many of them children -- in unmarked graves, this time on the former site of Marieval Residential School in Saskatchewan.
June 21 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers is honoured to receive the gift of three replica Wampum Belts made by Elizabeth Doxtater and presented by Derek Sandy who stood as witness. Both are from the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory.
June 18 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers applauds the government’s long-term commitment to strengthening French-language education in Ontario.
June 17 2021
Is there an Ontario Certified Teacher who inspired you? Tell us about them and you could be part of our social media campaign for World Teachers’ Day this fall.
June 11 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers is presently experiencing service delays in the following areas.
June 01 2021
On behalf of the Ontario College of Teachers, I would like to express our deep sadness at the discovery of the remains of 215 children at the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School this past week. Our thoughts and condolences are with the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation and all Indigenous communities across Canada.
May 28 2021
The College is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our public register and we are working to resolve the issues as quickly as possible.
May 03 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers has partnered with Amorell Saunders N’Daw to provide professional advice on anti-Black racism for Ontario Certified Teachers.
April 30 2021
The Ministry of Education has announced that the Math Proficiency Test will be available to write in an online format beginning May 10, 2021 for either: those with a condition on their certificates to pass the test or those who are applicants for certification with the College.
April 01 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers applauds the provincial government’s plan to provide high school students with the opportunity to learn American Sign Language (ASL) and Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) as a second language.
March 05 2021
The recently introduced Bill 229, or the Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act (Budget Measures), 2020, amended the Ontario College of Teachers Act to include new reporting obligations for College members for offences, charges, bail conditions or other restrictions.
February 01 2021
On December 11, 2020, the Council of the Ontario College of Teachers endorsed the creation of a Temporary Certificate to enable faculty of education students to begin teaching earlier as a partial solution to Ontario’s teaching shortage.
February 01 2021
The Ontario College of Teachers begins a one year transition to a new governance structure today, following the government’s proclamation of key legislative amendments.
January 12 2021
Meet Kai, Melena and Damon. Each received $2,000 toward their studies in initial teacher education programs.
December 17 2020
The Ontario College of Teachers’ 2020 Transition to Teaching survey confirms that Ontario’s teacher shortage is growing and that French and English school boards face significant recruitment challenges ahead.
December 07 2020
The Council of the Ontario College of Teachers has appointed Dr. Derek Haime, OCT, as Registrar and Chief Executive Officer. The College resides on the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg, Haudenosaunee, Métis, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.
December 03 2020
At the Council meeting on December 3, 2020, Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce commended the College for its commitment to protect students and modernize College operations.
December 01 2020
Council Chair Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT, and College CEO and Deputy Registrar Chantal Bélisle, OCT, addressed the provincial government’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs today to support proposed legislation that will further safeguard Ontario’s elementary and secondary school students and modernize the operations of the College.
November 18 2020
The Ontario College of Teachers sent its 234,000 members advice to remind them to always respect professional boundaries in the care of their students.
November 06 2020
The Ontario College of Teachers applauds regulatory amendments approved by Council that officially recognize the education, work experience and professional competency of Ontario’s technological education teachers.
November 06 2020
The Ontario College of Teachers applauds legislation introduced yesterday that further safeguards students and modernizes the operations of the College.
November 06 2020
The regulation that underpins discipline in teaching now recognizes hatred as a form of professional misconduct.
November 03 2020
At its October 1 meeting, Council created a new scholarship, the Brian P. McGowan Scholarship for Resilience, in honour of the College’s fourth registrar.
October 07 2020
Available online: 2019 Annual Report and Annual Meeting of Members information
September 29 2020
To celebrate their resilience and dedication, we’re inviting Ontarians to share their appreciation for teachers on social media.
September 21 2020
Achievements. Stats. Decisions. Now online, the College’s 2019 Annual Report contains member demographics, highlights of council and committee activities from the past year, messages from the Chair and Deputy Registrar, and revenue and expense information.
September 08 2020
Michael Salvatori today announced his resignation as Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the Ontario College of Teachers.
August 18 2020
Want a role in shaping your profession? Nominations are now open for 23 elected positions in the College’s 2021 Council election.
August 04 2020
Join us for this year’s live stream of our Annual Meeting of Members.
August 04 2020
College members who are employed by a post-secondary institution at a school or faculty of education offering programs accredited by the College, and are in a tenured or tenured-track position are invited to apply to serve in this vacant Council position.
July 17 2020
The Ontario College of Teachers has appointed Karen Murray, OCT, to lead the development of its new Additional Qualification (AQ) guideline to address Anti-Black Racism.
July 10 2020
The Ontario College of Teachers supports the provincial government’s initiatives to eradicate racism and discrimination in the province’s education system.
June 16 2020
The Ontario College of Teachers will develop a new Additional Qualification (AQ) guideline to address anti-Black racism. The AQ is part of the College's ongoing and long-standing commitment to inclusion and diversity.
June 11 2020
Our library will be unavailable while we perform software maintenance on June 18 from 9 a.m. to noon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
June 05 2020
Recent events in Ontario and other jurisdictions have renewed public awareness of racial injustice and inequity. See the letter from our Council.
June 02 2020
Are you curious about the effects of online learning on student achievement and behaviour? If so, the Online Learning Courses Research document provides access to research on the important link between success in online learning and students’ beliefs and motivation.
May 01 2020
With Ontario’s Learn at Home program in place through the pandemic, the College has issued guidelines to help elementary and secondary school teachers who are using video conferencing with students.
April 24 2020
Ontario applicants will not have to complete their remaining practicum to qualify for certification if they are unable to do so solely because of school closures related to COVID-19.
April 16 2020
Chantal Bélisle, OCT, Director of Investigations and Hearings, appointed as a Deputy Registrar of the Ontario College of Teachers
December 09 2019
The Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program recognizes and supports excellence in teacher education, through annual scholarships to assist in the education of future teachers.
December 09 2019
To save paper and reduce costs, the College has replaced the printed annual membership renewal package, including membership card, with an improved and secure mobile app.
October 21 2019
The College is launching a new and contemporary way to respond to inquiries from members of the profession and members of the public. If you have questions for us, you can now complete an easy-to-use online request form, which will help us better understand and respond to your needs.
September 30 2019
October 5 is World Teachers’ Day and we’re inviting Ontarians to celebrate by sharing the best qualities of a favourite teacher on social media, using #GreatTeachersAre.
August 29 2019
We’ve made it easier and more convenient than ever for members to access the free resources available in the Margaret Wilson Library. You can now log into the library through your College account.
August 28 2019
Aspiring teachers who complete their application for a certificate of qualification and registration on or after March 31, 2020, which includes the receipt of all required documentation and fees by the College, must pass a Mathematics Proficiency Test in order to become certified.
August 20 2019
College members who are employed by a private school are invited to apply to serve in this vacant Council position.
July 31 2019
The College is now accepting proposals for workshop presentations for its 2020 Inspiring Public Confidence Conference. The conference will be held June 2-3, 2020, at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel.
July 29 2019
The College is updating its security practices to better protect your information. As of August 29, 2019, you will be required to log into your College Member account via our website using your email address as your username, instead of your registration number.
July 29 2019
We are making it easier for members to access the free resources from the Margaret Wilson Library. Updates to our library services will be made from August 26-28, 2019.
June 14 2019
The Investigation Committee and Discipline Committee have approved the use of a new guide to assist in their review of incompetence matters arising from unsatisfactory teacher performance appraisals (TPAs).
May 31 2019
Catch up and watch the full live stream recording of the event.
May 30 2019
Council has appointed Nancy Saunders, OCT, to fill a vacancy in the Northeast Region Part-time/Full-time category, effective May 30, 2019.
May 30 2019
Stats. Decisions. Achievements. They’re all here in the College’s 2018 Annual Report. See the highlights, charts, member demographics and committee reports from the regulator of Ontario’s teaching profession.
May 27 2019
To better serve our francophone audience, we recently launched a separate French-language Instagram account.
April 09 2019
You’re invited to the Annual Meeting of Members. Join us on May 30.
April 05 2019
On April 3, 2019, Bill 48, the Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act received Royal Assent. The passage of the Bill will keep students safe, enhance the professionalism of teaching and improve College governance.
March 18 2019
The licensing body for Ontario teachers is issuing professional advice to its 235,000 members about supporting students with mental health concerns.
March 01 2019
This week, a panel of the Ontario Divisional Court unanimously ruled in favour of the College, dismissing an Ontario Certified Teacher’s request to have a notation of disciplinary action removed from our public register.
February 25 2019
College representatives are addressing a government standing committee on Bill 48, The Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act today to offer the College’s perspectives on a number of proposed amendments.
February 15 2019
College intervened to provide perspective on student privacy and what constitutes acceptable professional conduct for teachers.
February 14 2019
New teachers are in demand again. New Transition to Teaching data shows that job prospects for newly certified teachers are increasing, particularly in French, technology, math and science.
January 03 2019
Applications for three Ontario College of Teachers scholarship awards, each valued at $2,000, are now being accepted. Submissions will be accepted until June 28, 2019.
December 17 2018
The College will be closed starting 3 p.m. ET on December 24 for the holiday season. We will re-open with regular business hours on January 2. From all of us at the College, we wish you a happy holiday!
December 07 2018
The Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program recognizes and supports excellence in teacher education. This is done through the awarding of annual scholarships to assist in the education of future teachers.
November 26 2018
The Ontario College of Teachers has released the report from an independent review of its governance structure and processes. The review, conducted by Governance Solutions Inc., was commissioned in March of 2018 as part of the College’s commitment to greater efficiency and effectiveness.
November 19 2018
Notice the changes? Cleaner presentation. Simplified information. Easier navigation. It’s a work in progress, but we’re making every effort to communicate better with you. Please let us know if it’s working and how we can improve.
November 08 2018
Council today approved distribution of a professional advisory for Ontario Certified Teachers on Supporting Students’ Mental Health. The advisory examines current trends, the role of educators in the context of professional ethics, responsibilities and legal considerations, and provides a framework for self-reflection.
November 08 2018
Inquiring into Professional Practice through Mathematics is a narrative-based resource that has been developed to gain insights into professional standards through mathematics.
October 25 2018
Bill 48, the Safe and Supportive Classrooms Act, 2018, received first reading on Thursday, October 25, 2018.
The College welcomes these legislative changes, which will expand the definition of sexual abuse and require mandatory revocation for any acts of sexual abuse.
October 23 2018
Rotating strikes announced by Canada Post may impact mail delivery service.
October 03 2018
Discover how you can contribute to the future Ontario kindergarten education. Together, let’s help to shape the learning landscape!
October 01 2018
We take the time to acknowledge and celebrate the teaching profession. Thank you for changing the lives of your students: one child, one youth, one adult at a time.
September 28 2018
Council has appointed Gerry O’Reilly, OCT, to its Supervisory Officer position and Mary Ellen Gucciardi, OCT, to the English-Language Roman Catholic Board Secondary position, effective September 27, 2018.
September 04 2018
To better serve our growing Twitter audience, the College is expanding its presence by establishing a new account for our French-language followers that will run in parallel with our existing account, which will be tailored for English-language followers.
August 29 2018
The Ontario College of Teachers works to protect the public interest. The government's recent announcement affirms that parents and the public can express concerns regarding our members with respect to professional misconduct, incompetence or incapacity by way of our online complaints process.
July 10 2018
The College has updated its Professional Advisory on the Duty to Report to reflect the introduction of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA).
July 06 2018
On July 4, 2018 the eighth College Council held its inaugural meeting, where the new Chair of Council Nicole van Woudenberg, OCT and Vice-Chair Tim Gernstein, OCT were elected.
June 07 2018
Our latest annual report is now online.
May 30 2018
You don’t need superhuman strength, telepathy or the ability to time travel when it comes to protecting the public interest.
May 09 2018
Bill 31, which included amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers Act, received third reading and Royal Assent on Tuesday, May 8, 2018.
May 03 2018
Share your advice and ideas and they could be published as a Professional Practice item in an upcoming issue of Professionally Speaking.
April 26 2018
College representatives addressed a government standing committee on Bill 31 today to offer support and request added changes to proposed legislation that will protect students.
April 24 2018
Attend the meeting on June 6 and hear a panel discussion on what does the public expect of regulators like the College.
April 20 2018
April 11 2018
See the newly elected members of the eighth Council.
April 10 2018
The results of the election will be available on Wednesday, April 11.
April 05 2018
Members: Don’t miss the chance to vote.
April 03 2018
See our new video vignettes that visually reinforce the "Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession" and the "Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession."
March 29 2018
The Ontario College of Teachers welcomes efforts to amend Ontario laws that make student safety a priority. At its March 1st meeting, College Council approved a series of recommendations to the Ministry of Education to amend the Ontario College of Teachers Act.
March 13 2018
The College of Teachers is enhancing its French language services by establishing a protocol to address any complaints the French Language Services Commissioner may receive in the future about the College’s services.
March 09 2018
Applications for three Ontario College of Teachers scholarship awards, each valued at $2,000, are now being accepted.
March 05 2018
Voting for the 8th Council of the Ontario College of Teachers has begun.
March 02 2018
The Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program recognizes and supports excellence in teacher education. This is done through the awarding of annual scholarships to assist in the education of future teachers.
March 01 2018
“You ensure we are on track in a very real way,” said Ontario Minister of Education Indira Naidoo-Harris in her address to Council today.
February 21 2018
Find out what it’s like to be a new teacher in Ontario in our 2017 Transition to Teaching Study. You’ll discover the kinds of jobs they are getting and how they are settling into the profession.
February 20 2018
The College is renewing AQ course guidelines. Interested members of the teaching profession are invited to participate in AQ policy development.
February 16 2018
See the biographies for all candidates seeking election to the College’s 8th Council. Members, learn all you can, engage with the candidates directly and be informed before you vote in March.
January 26 2018
The Ontario College of Teachers welcomes the Ministry of Education’s plans to strengthen our ability to protect students from sexual abuse by teachers.
January 10 2018
Seventy Ontario Certified Teachers have indicated their desire to help shape teaching in the province by running for 23 available seats in the 2018 Council election.
January 02 2018
The College has implemented a new policy to adopt gender inclusive language across the organization.
December 19 2017
Please be advised that the Margaret Wilson Library will be closed from January 3 to January 5 as the library collection is transferred to the College’s 14th floor.
December 12 2017
Keynote speakers include: Marc-André Blanchard, Rex Murphy, Margaret Trudeau, and Sir Harry Cayton
December 07 2017
Council has approved the College’s operating budget for 2018, including an annual membership fee that – for the fifth straight year – remains fixed at $150.
November 13 2017
File your nomination for the 2018 Council election now. Nominations close as of 5 p.m. EST on December 1, 2017. Help to shape the future of teacher professionalism in Ontario.
October 12 2017
October is Child Abuse Prevention Month, but every day teachers have a legal, ethical duty to report when they suspect that a child is the victim of abuse or neglect.
October 03 2017
Bullying is an insidious behaviour with long-term consequences. That is why the College has released the new professional advisory Responding to the Bullying of Students for Ontario teachers.
October 02 2017
Celebrate the teachers in your lives by wishing them a Happy World Teachers’ Day this October 5!
September 29 2017
Find out more about the 2018 election for Council and how it can impact you.
September 29 2017
The College has updated its professional advice to Ontario Certified Teachers about using electronic communication and social media.
September 12 2017
You can now download and print off a collection of complimentary aboriginal art posters by artist Bruce Beardy, OCT. The art was designed to support the integration of the standards within teacher education and professional practice.
September 01 2017
Parents and educators are invited to participate in a College review of the Additional Qualification guideline for Teaching Students with Communication Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorders). Interested? Please complete our survey.
September 01 2017
Want a voice in regulating your profession? Do you know someone who does? Nominations for the College’s 2018 Council election are now open for 23 elected positions.
August 28 2017
The College is reviewing Additional Qualification course guidelines for Special Education and invites your help. Take our survey. Attend an open space forum. Host a focus group. Learn more.
August 21 2017
To show our school spirit, we’ve carefully assembled this list of handy resources for teachers. It contains ebooks, print books and insightful articles from Professionally Speaking we think you’ll enjoy.
August 01 2017
Want a voice in self-regulation? Run, nominate and vote in the 2018 Council Election. Nominations open on September 1, 2017.
July 10 2017
The Ontario College of Teachers is pleased to announce that our next Inspiring Public Confidence conference is being held May 31 – June 1, 2018 at the Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel.
June 20 2017
Did you miss our AMM? Now you can watch the full livestream recording of the event.
June 16 2017
The College seeks participants for an Additional Qualification forum on Ecological Sustainability within Teacher Education and Professional Practice. Learn more.
June 09 2017
It’s here: The official compendium of 2016 Council and College activities – all in the interest of serving the public – has been released.
June 01 2017
The College is complying with a new requirement in the Protecting Students Act, which mandates that a decision of the Discipline Committee must be removed from the College’s website if a notation of that decision no longer appears on a member’s public register page.
May 29 2017
For our recent student art exhibition, we asked students to create artwork based on four themes. Here is a selection of their work.
April 27 2017
The College is celebrating 20 years of regulatory excellence by inviting you to visit us as part of the 18th annual Doors Open Toronto event!
April 10 2017
To help celebrate its 20th anniversary, the College called on our members and their students to join the celebration by contributing to an exhibition of their artwork.
March 31 2017
Contribute to the provincial conversation on teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing in Ontario. Take our short survey by April 28 to share your thoughts.
March 16 2017
Attend the meeting and hear a panel discussion with Margaret Wilson, Donna Marie Kennedy, Dave Cooke and Dr. Avis Glaze.
March 07 2017
Applications for three Ontario College of Teachers scholarship awards, each valued at $2,000, are now being accepted.
March 01 2017
Members: you can reduce paper consumption by choosing to receive your membership package by email. Make the change now, by logging into your account in the members area.
February 23 2017
Protect your good standing status and preserve your ability to teach in an Ontario. The deadline for payment is April 17, 2017.
February 09 2017
Almost half of the newly certified teachers who reside in Ontario said that they found as much work as they wanted in their first year. Looking ahead, the job market seems brighter still. See our study.
December 06 2016
Ontario Minister of Education Mitzie Hunter lauded the College for its commitment to education, its partnership in the development of Bill 37 and the implementation of the initial teacher education program during her annual visit to Council.
November 30 2016
Congratulations to these impressive, dedicated and enthusiastic future teachers.
November 21 2016
The Foundations of Professional Practice articulate a collective vision of professionalism for Ontario educators. Take a minute to reflect on what’s new in a recently revised version.
November 15 2016
Do you want to serve your profession? Are you employed by a French-language Catholic school board or work in a French-language instructional unit?
November 08 2016
The College is committed to transparency and accountability. That is why we have extended ways you can access all disciplinary decisions.
November 02 2016
Last week, the College had the opportunity to present a brief to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs in support of Council's proposed amendments to the Protecting Students Act. This week, the Ontario government tabled five amendments to the Bill only one of which addressed the concerns identified by Council. In response, the College issued an open letter expressing its concerns and the risk to transparency and public accountability.
November 01 2016
College Council wants a number of changes to the election process. Among other benefits, the changes would make it easier for members to vote in Council elections.
October 26 2016
Council Chair Angela De Palma, OCT, and College CEO and Registrar Michael Salvatori, OCT, addressed the provincial government’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs.
October 26 2016
Council has approved revisions to the College’s Additional Qualifications: Extending Professional Knowledge professional advisory.
October 14 2016
The College’s Council has asked that recently re-introduced legislation that governs the College ensure that copies of all discipline hearings held in public continue to be made available to the public.
October 05 2016
Greater transparency in investigation and disciplinary matters. Faster complaint resolution. Re-introduction of proposed legislation promises all this and more.
October 04 2016
September 30 2016
We asked you to describe your favourite teacher in Just One Word. Here’s what you said.
September 15 2016
In honour of World Teachers’ Day this October 5, the College is asking you to describe your favourite teacher (past or present) in Just One Word.
September 08 2016
The start of a new school year can be hectic, so we've pulled together a collection of some of our most helpful back-to-school resources for teachers.
August 31 2016
This story profiles OCTs from Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board who went to Haiti as part of their social justice outreach programs.
August 26 2016
We’re monitoring the possibility of a postal disruption and planning accordingly.
August 17 2016
Meet Breanna Myles, OCT, an award-winning teacher who uses world issues to empower her students.
August 05 2016
Want updates on College information on your favorite platforms?
July 13 2016
Ontario teachers are always learning. See the Top 10 most popular books teachers are borrowing from the College’s Margaret Wilson Library.
June 27 2016
Champion effort and participation from golfers, donors and sponsors made the Ontario College of Teachers’ 19th annual charity golf event a huge success!
June 14 2016
Experience the events and information sessions we host. Get to know your College colleagues. And never miss another update.
June 08 2016
Over a hundred individuals attended the College’s annual meeting of members - and over a hundred more from all corners of the province attended as well via video streaming.
June 01 2016
More ways to log a complaint. Faster complaint resolution. Greater transparency in investigation and disciplinary matters. Newly proposed legislation promises all these and more.
May 25 2016
Trustees, school board officials and regulators from several professions will gather Thursday and Friday at Toronto’s Chelsea Hotel for the College’s Inspiring Public Confidence conference.
May 19 2016
The June issue of Professionally Speaking is on its way to your home. This edition looks at responsible social media use, mental wellness for teachers, and much more!
May 17 2016
Proposed changes to the Ontario College of Teachers Act recommended by College Council aim to enhance the College’s ability to make more information available faster. See our reaction.
May 10 2016
Don’t delay! Applications for three Ontario College of Teachers scholarship awards, each valued at $2,000, will be accepted until July 15, 2016 at 5 p.m.
May 03 2016
Attend our annual meeting of members and hear Paul Dubé, Ontario’s new Ombudsman, discuss his role and what the extended reach of his office means to district school boards.
May 02 2016
The College’s quarterly Council meetings are public and you’re invited to attend.
Please register up to a month ahead of the meeting and you’ll get a link to the electronic documents that Council will use to make its decisions.
January 18 2016
Introducing two new online resources to help internationally educated teachers better understand what it takes to apply and become certified.
December 22 2015
We’re extending our reach to Ontario’s multi-lingual communities by publishing our “Serving in the Public Interest” brochure in Ontario’s top five languages.
December 21 2015
Share your thoughts and participate in its revision…
December 16 2015
If you met our new scholarship recipients, you would agree: these future teachers have the right combo for teaching: care and commitment.
November 16 2015
Complete our survey and you can help to create a new Teacher Leadership Additional Qualification course.
October 28 2015
The Ontario College of Teachers and the College of Early Childhood Educators are pleased to offer a new professional learning resource. Read more
September 28 2015
The College would like to thank Ontario’s teachers for the passion, the care and the commitment they demonstrate in the classroom every day.
September 18 2015
Advisory sets out how to recognize signs of abuse and neglect, report suspicions immediately and reflect in order to help members protect students.
September 01 2015
On September 1, 2015, Ontario’s teacher education program changed. New teacher education program requirements for certification also took effect.
July 10 2015
College members recently elected the seventh College Council, which will govern the teaching profession in the public interest for the next three years.
June 30 2015
Transparency and communication were the themes of the evening at the 2015 Annual Meeting of Members.
June 04 2015
The College's annual report is now online. The theme for this year’s publication is “Great Teaching."
June 04 2015
The College is pleased to announce that Professionally Speaking has received five awards in writing and design.
April 09 2015
College members have voted and the results are in. The seventh College Council has been elected.
March 30 2015
Ontario Minister of Education Liz Sandals delivered key messages to College Council members at March 26-27 meeting.
March 18 2015
French-language members of the profession recently participated in a College survey that gauges their level of satisfaction with the quality of our French-language services.
March 12 2015
The College will end its practice of granting equivalent standing for certain Ontario courses in September, 2015.
February 04 2015
Complete our survey and play a part in the revision of the Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession (PLF).
January 30 2015
The Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program recognizes excellence in teacher education through the awarding of scholarships, bursaries and prizes.
January 06 2015
The Ontario College of Teachers’ office building at 101 Bloor St. West, Toronto, was recently granted BOMA BESt Level 2 Certification.
December 12 2014
Council recently approved changes to the Teachers’ Qualifications and Accreditation regulations that affect program providers and College membership requirements.
November 11 2014
The Honourable Liz Sandals, Ontario’s Minister of Education, praised the College during opening remarks at the College’s Inspiring Public Confidence conference. Read the full text.
October 23 2014
The College office space was recently awarded LEED silver certification by the Canadian Green Building Council.
September 17 2014
Important changes made to distance education policy represent good news for applicants. Read more...
August 28 2014
Watch as CEO and Registrar Michael Salvatori, OCT, takes the Challenge alongside members of the College’s leadership team.
June 12 2014
The theme for this year’s publication is Setting the Standard for Great Teaching—the tagline for our public awareness initiative and a succinct summary of the College’s work.
June 04 2014
Professionally Speaking has received two awards in writing and design at the 60th annual Kenneth R. Wilson Awards.
May 12 2014
Professionally Speaking/Pour parler profession is a finalist in KRW Awards’ prestigious Professional Magazine of the Year category.
May 12 2014
We’ve moved our Annual Meeting of Members and an Open House at the Margaret Wilson Library to October 1, 2014.
April 10 2014
The Ontario College of Teachers is aware of the vulnerability, dubbed “Heartbleed”, which is a security concern for websites that use OpenSSL.
March 21 2014
We’re revising our Additional Qualification course guidelines in mathematics. Take our survey and share your thoughts on this topic.
March 19 2014
Certification requirements for graduates of Ontario’s enhanced teacher education program have been formalized.
February 07 2014
Council’s approval of regulatory changes spells out what applicants will require after September 1, 2015.
December 20 2013
Significant changes improve services to members - read full details and find links to additional information.
December 06 2013
Our new online transaction centre allows for quick, convenient access to fee-based College services.
November 22 2013
The Ontario College of Teachers proudly supports Bullying Awareness Week 2013. Learn more.
October 17 2013
Since its introduction to the legislature by Minister Liz Sandals, Bill 103, the Protecting Students Act has been widely received. Learn what people are saying in support of Bill 103.
October 04 2013
The Ontario College of Teachers proudly adds its voice to those around the globe who are honouring and celebrating the work of teaching professionals. Learn more.
September 18 2013
Proposed legislative amendments to the Ontario College of Teachers’ Act reinforce College’s ongoing efforts to strengthen investigation, disciplinary and reporting processes.
July 08 2013
Trade Association Business Publications International has awarded Professionally Speaking one gold, two silvers and three honourable mentions for the 2013 Tabbie Awards.
June 20 2013
Starting in 2015, the four-semester program with an increased practicum of 80 days will include a sharper focus on diversity.
June 13 2013
At the 2013 Annual Meeting of Members Raj Anand, a lawyer, arbitrator and mediator with WeirFoulds LLP, spoke about accountability, transparency and professional ethics.
June 05 2013
The Ontario College of Teachers welcomes today’s announcement of an extended initial education program for Ontario teachers.
May 22 2013
Advisory sets out the 4Rs of safety – recognize, respond, report and reflect – to help members safeguard students in all learning environments and situations.
April 23 2013
You are invited to the Ontario College of Teachers 2013 Annual Meeting of Members, Thursday June 6, 2013 – 5:30 p.m.
April 22 2013
The Ontario College of Teachers is now on Twitter! Check out the feed, follow us, and be sure to tell your friends.
March 22 2013
College Council has amended the bylaw governing the contents of our online public register, Find a Teacher, to ensure that any release from arrest or bail conditions affecting a member’s ability to teach are included on the member’s listing. Read more …
February 20 2013
Another cohort of new teachers swelled the ranks of Ontario’s 30,000+ teachers unable to find regular teaching jobs in 2012. Read our exclusive survey for all the details.
February 07 2013
You can now browse through the complete online archive of this popular column from the College’s magazine. Find out more.
December 21 2012
Read how a Milton math teacher inspired the Canadian astronaut to realize his dreams in this article from the September 2001 issue of Professionally Speaking.
December 03 2012
College bylaws require that all Ontario Certified Teachers provide the College with up-to-date employer contact information.
November 23 2012
Thank you to all conference presenters and attendees for making the Ontario College of Teachers Conference, Inspiring Public Confidence, a great success.
November 23 2012
Wendy shared anecdotes from her own experience, and the world at large, to explore some of the most important questions about trust.
November 22 2012
This Inspiring Public Confidence Award honours an individual who strives to strengthen public confidence in education.
November 21 2012
Humanitarian, diplomat, author Stephen Lewis delivered an inspiring address at the opening of the College Conference, Inspiring Public Confidence.
November 19 2012
The Ontario College of Teachers supports efforts to promote Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week and the work of Ontario’s teachers to create learning environments that protect students’ safety and well-being.
November 16 2012
November 05 2012
We’ve redeveloped our website with a fresh, modern design and many new features to help you find the information you need, quickly and easily.
August 15 2012
Are all of your Additional Qualifications on your certificate? Find out at Find a Teacher.
July 04 2012
The sixth College Council re-elected Liz Papadopoulos, OCT as Council Chair and elected Marc Dubois, OCT as Vice-Chair at its inaugural meeting July 4. Members also elected chairs and members of 14 Council committees.
June 07 2012
Read the report, media release and backgrounders to see what former Ontario Chief Justice Patrick LeSage recommends to improve efficiency and transparency of the College's disciplinary processes to better protect the public interest.
May 31 2012
August 26 2011
April 11 2011
October 05 2009
September 01 2009
January 29 2009
August 28 2007
August 20 2007
May 11 2007
January 17 2007
December 12 2006
November 27 2006
October 31 2006
October 05 2006
September 20 2006
August 28 2006
October 04 2005
September 05 2005
May 24 2005
February 07 2005
September 07 2004
December 10 2003
September 03 2003
May 29 2003
April 11 2003
February 07 2003
February 07 2003
December 12 2002
October 08 2002
September 25 2002
April 23 2002
March 19 2002
October 30 2001
June 07 2001
March 23 2001
August 25 2000
May 11 2000
April 13 2000
April 07 2000
February 09 2000
September 02 1999
June 09 1999
April 22 1999
December 10 1998
November 20 1998
October 16 1998
September 24 1998
October 30 1997
October 21 1997
October 16 1997
September 11 1997
June 13 1997
May 01 1997
March 10 1997
October 11 1996
September 16 1996
September 16 1996
December 14 1995