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January 2022: Your College and You to become College’s official publication

November 16 2021

Effective January 2022, Your College and You, the College’s monthly digital member newsletter, will become our official publication. This change coincides with the organization’s decision to decommission our print magazine, Professionally Speaking / Pour parler profession.

Why the change?

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged all organizations, including ours. With this, the College seized the opportunity to reexamine all areas of its operation, through our annual budget process.

After careful review, it was determined that the cost of producing the print publication in 2022 and beyond was unsustainable due to increasing production and postage costs coupled with decreasing advertising revenues since the pandemic began.

As a result, the December 2021 issue of Professionally Speaking / Pour parler profession will be the last.

Reaching members monthly through Your College and You

Established in 2002, the Your College and You digital newsletter is distributed in English and French, and provides members with pertinent and timely information on a monthly basis. An applicants’ version is also distributed to more than 15,000 teacher candidates.

Starting in January, Your College and You will be enhanced to meet legislated requirements by including summaries of discipline decisions as part of its regular content.

Your College and You is provided to Ontario Certified Teachers and applicants at no extra cost.

The College’s Your College and You archive can be accessed online.

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

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