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Annual Meeting

June 30 2015

Transparency and communication were the themes of the evening at the 2015 Annual Meeting of Members, held June 4 at the College offices in Toronto.

Keynote speaker and CBC Ombudsman Esther Enkin set the tone for the meeting with her address: Openness in the Age of Social Media.

“The pressure to be open about what you do, and to be sure the public understands and participates in your processes of self-regulation will only grow in the world of social media and interactivity,” says Enkin.

Enkin points out “the better you engage and listen, and the more you do it, the better your organization will be. From there, public respect and trust will grow.”

In her address to members, Council Chair Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, touched on some of the College’s communication highlights in 2014. “The College continued with its public awareness initiative to educate the public about who we are, what we do and how we regulate teaching in Ontario.”

“Consultation continued as a hallmark of College culture,” said College Registrar and CEO Michael Salvatori, OCT. “We conducted several surveys over the year to gather feedback instrumental to improving our service to members and to the public.” 

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