Accreditation Committee Decision
Application for Renewal of Accreditation of a Program of Professional Education leading to a Bachelor of Primary Education Studies (Consecutive Program)
Decision of the Accreditation Committee regarding the Consecutive Program
of Professional Education for Teachers, with concentrations in the Primary
and Junior divisions by the Faculty of Education, Charles Sturt University,
The Faculty of Education at Charles Sturt University, Ontario submitted an
application in December 2006 for general accreditation of a program of professional
education for the Primary and Junior divisions.
The Accreditation Committee appointed a panel to:
- conduct a review of the program
- act in an advisory role
- report to the Accreditation Committee on its findings, and
- make recommendations to the Accreditation Committee with respect to the
accreditation of the Faculty of Education, Charles Sturt University, Ontario’s
Program of Professional Education.
The panel included two elected members of Council, one of whom was a member
of the Accreditation Committee, and one member appointed to the Council by
the Lieutenant Governor in Council, a member of the College who was not a member
of Council, a person nominated by Charles Sturt University and one person drawn
from a roster who had expertise in teacher education programs.
The panel reviewed documentation provided by Charles Sturt University, conducted
an on-site review, reviewed artefacts and conducted interviews with various
The on-site visit took place from March 4-9, 2007.
The Accreditation Committee, by virtue of the authority granted under the Ontario College
of Teachers Act, 1996 and Section 5 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation
of Teacher Education Programs, set out to determine if the consecutive
program of professional education offered by Charles Sturt University, Ontario
qualified for accreditation by satisfying the 15 requirements of Regulation
The Accreditation Committee considered the final report of the accreditation
panel, the response of the Dean of the Faculty of Education, dated May 14,
2007 to the panel’s draft report, and regulatory requirements of Regulation
347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and Regulation
184/97, Teachers’ Qualifications. Based on its review of this information,
the Accreditation Committee decides the following.
Accreditation of Programs of Professional
Requirement 1
The provider of the program is a permitted institution.
In a letter dated September 5, 2003 from the Minister of Training, Colleges
and Universities to the then Dean of the Faculty of Education Charles Sturt
University, the Minister indicated intent to grant consent to Charles Sturt
University to offer a Bachelor of Primary Education Studies as a university
in Ontario. That consent is valid for a period of five years.
Given the decision of the Accreditation Committee stated herein, Requirement
1 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 2
The program has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.
The conceptual framework is an integration of an authentic school learning
environment and the Charles Sturt University, Ontario campus learning environment
into a single, interactive learning community. The learning community is expected
to challenge associate teachers, faculty and staff as well as teacher candidates,
in supportive environments, where everyone in every role can take risks.
Requirement 2 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 3
The program is consistent with and reflects:
- the College’s Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
and the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession
- current research in teacher education, and
- the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.
The committee is satisfied that Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
and the Ethical Standards of the Teaching Profession shaped the programs overall
design including the course work, the practica and assessment practices. The
program’s design and content is based on current research. Theory and
practice will be integrated across the following four interlocking themes:
learner centered, knowledge centered, assessment centered and community centered.
Requirement 3 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 4
The program curriculum is current, references the Ontario curriculum,
includes the application of current research in teacher education and represents
a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the program.
Documentation, interviews and artefacts provided evidence that the program
is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of
current research in teacher education and represents a wide knowledge base
in the divisions and components of the program.
For example, the core learning in the six curriculum courses and the four
foundations courses demonstrate alignment with the Kindergarten Program and
the relevant sections for the primary and junior divisions with the Ontario
Curriculum, Grades 1-8.
The course outlines provided evidence that research was integrated into the
program. In addition, as part of the quality audits of all Australian public
universities, each faculty member must demonstrate the synthesis of teaching
and research in every program offered.
Requirement 4 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 5
The course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation
courses and makes appropriate provision for the application of theory in
Documentation, interviews and artefacts provide evidence that the course
content of the program includes theory, method and foundation courses and makes
appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.
The Faculty of Education at Charles Sturt University, Ontario does not view
theory and practice as separate. By integrating foundations and methods with
curriculum and allowing teacher candidates to engage in classroom practice
every week, theory and practice are delivered in what they described as “a
seamless” manner. Teacher candidates expressed their ability to take
theory and use it directly in the practicum placements.
Requirement 5 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 6
The program’s format and structure are appropriate for the course
The documentation and interviews provide evidence that the program’s
format and structure are appropriate for the course content. This program’s
format and structure are indivisible and reflect an approach designed to ensure
that course content incorporates theory into practice.
Requirement 6 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 7
Students are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis
throughout the program.
In reaching its decision, the Committee considered the following information:
- teacher candidates are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing
- Charles Sturt University, Ontario guidelines and governance protocol require
continuous assessment.
As examples, rubrics are used in the assessment of teacher candidates and
explained to candidates; it was confirmed that associate teachers and faculty
advisors implement assessment processes consistently; course outlines contain
detailed information on assessment for all assignments. Submission documents
indicate that return dates for assignments shall be no later than 21 days after
the due date for the assignment.
Requirement 7 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 8
The program includes a practicum that satisfies the requirements set out
Regulation 347/02, Subsection 9. (2). The requirements for the practicum
portion of the program are as follows:
- The practicum must include observation and practice teaching in an
instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario
curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
- The practicum must be completed in accordance with the requirements
of Ontario Regulation 184/97.
- The practicum enables every student to participate in settings related
to each division and at least one of the subject areas of the program that
are relevant to the student.
- An experienced teacher supervises the students and assesses their practicum.
- A faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each student.
The documentation, interviews and artefacts confirmed that the requirements
of the Practicum according to Regulation 347/02 Subsection 9 (2) (1-5) were
met by the program offered at Charles Sturt University, Ontario.
The submission document states that the practicum must include observation
and practice teaching in an instructional setting in schools or other situations
that use the Ontario curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
Requirement 8 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 9
Successful completion of the practicum is a requirement for successful
completion of the program.
The documentation and interviews confirmed that successful completion of
the practicum is a requirement for successful completion of the program.
Requirement 9 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 10
The teaching method courses in the program are appropriate in relation
to the divisions to which they relate.
In reaching its decision, the Committee found that the documents and interviews
validated that the teaching methods courses in the program are appropriate
for the Primary and Junior divisions. Required teaching methods courses include:
- mathematics
- language and literacy
- science and technology
- health and physical education
- social studies
- the arts at the primary/junior level.
Requirement 10 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 11
The teaching theory and foundation courses in the program include courses
on human development and learning and on the legislation and government policies
relating to education.
In reaching its decision, the Committee found that the program has compulsory
foundation courses on human development and learning and on the legislation
and government policies relating to the Primary and Junior divisions.
Requirement 11 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 12
The faculty members teaching the program are an appropriate combination
- persons with appropriate academic qualifications
- practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education,
- persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components
of the program.
Documents provided information that there is an appropriate balance of persons
with appropriate academic qualifications, practitioners and persons with appropriate
expertise in the divisions.
In addition, it was confirmed that the program’s teaching team was
comprised of an appropriate mixture of academic researchers with doctorates,
consultants, principals and teachers from Halton District School Board.
Evidence also indicated that faculty members have skills and expertise which
encompass foundation courses, curriculum areas and teaching divisions.
Requirement 12 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 13
The permitted institution maintains adequate internal controls to preserve
the integrity of student records relating to the program.
The documentation and interviews confirmed that the Faculty of Education
at Charles Sturt University, Ontario maintains adequate internal controls to
preserve the integrity of teacher candidates’ records relating to the
program. The teacher candidates’ records are stored centrally within
the SunGard SCT banner student system.
Requirement 13 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 14
The permitted institution is committed to continuous improvement and quality
assurance of the program and, if the program is an existing program, has
implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.
The documentation and interviews established that the permitted
institution is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance and
has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.
Requirement 14 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 15
The program has a Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC) or similar
body that functions in an advisory or liaison capacity in relation to the
The program has a TEAC with representative stakeholder membership and terms
of reference specific to advice and liaison. It meets twice a year with specific
agendas and a recorder takes minutes.
Requirement 15 is fully satisfied.
Decision of the Accreditation Committee
For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the
program of professional education delivered in a consecutive mode by the Faculty
of Education at Charles Sturt University, Ontario fully satisfies the requirements
of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and grants
general accreditation for a period of five years (May 31, 2012).
Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
May 31, 2007
Amendment to Expiry Date
In accordance with the May 1, 2009 amendment to the accreditation period for programs of professional education in the Accreditation Regulation, the expiry date for this program is amended to May 31, 2014.
Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs
May 1, 2009
Pursuant to Section 15.2(1) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee granted an extension of accreditation until May 31, 2017 for this program to enable time to implement the new enhanced teacher education program required in September 2015.
Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
November 19, 2013
Expiry of Accreditation
The Faculty of Education, Charles Sturt University in Ontario notified the Ontario College of Teachers of its intent to cease to offer the accredited consecutive program leading to a Bachelor of Primary Education Studies program after June 2015. In accordance with subsection 20(4) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee revoked accreditation of the program effective July 1, 2015.
Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
February 11, 2015