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Accreditation Committee Decision

Redeemer University College


Decision of the Accreditation Committee Regarding the Application by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College for the General Accreditation of the Concurrent and Consecutive Programs of Professional Education, Leading to a Bachelor of Education Degree, with Concentration in the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate Divisions.

The Department of Education at Redeemer University College submitted an application in November 2007 for general accreditation of the following program of professional education:

  • Concurrent Program of Professional Education leading to a Bachelor of Education degree, including a concentrated study of the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions
  • Consecutive Program of Professional Education leading to a Bachelor of Education degree, including a concentrated study of the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions

In accordance with Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Accreditation Committee appointed a panel to:

    1. conduct a review of the aforementioned programs of professional education,
    2. act in an advisory role to the Accreditation Committee by
      1. reporting to the Accreditation Committee on its findings, and
      2. making recommendations to the Accreditation Committee with respect to the general accreditation of the concurrent and consecutive programs of professional education offered by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College.

The six-person panel was comprised of three members of Council, one of whom was also a member of the Accreditation Committee, and one of whom was appointed to the Council by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, a member of the College who was not a member of Council, a person drawn from a roster who is an educator in a faculty of education, and a person nominated by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College.

The panel reviewed documentation provided by the Department of Education of Redeemer University College and conducted an on-site review which included an examination of artifacts, interviews with faculty and stakeholder representatives, and a review of resources at the facility. There were no submissions from the public. The review took place December 11-14, 2007.

The Accreditation Committee, by virtue of the authority granted under the Ontario College of Teachers Act, 1996, and Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, set out to determine if the programs of professional education offered by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College qualified for general accreditation.

In making its decision, the Accreditation Committee considered the Final Report of the Accreditation Panel dated March 11, 2008, the response of the Director of the Department of Education at Redeemer University College dated March 20, 2008 to the Accreditation Panel Draft Report, and regulatory requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and Regulation 184/97, Teachers' Qualifications.

In conducting its review, the accreditation panel noted that the consecutive and concurrent programs of professional education offered by Redeemer University College have the same program components, professional course work and practicum requirements. The distinction in the consecutive and concurrent program is the point at which teacher candidates enter the program and whether the program follows or is taken concurrently with the first degree. For this reason, the Accreditation Committee intends for its findings and conclusions to be applied to both the concurrent and consecutive programs of professional education, unless otherwise noted.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee at its Meeting of April 4, 2008

Requirements and Findings

The reasons for the Committee's decision and the facts upon which it is based follow herein:

Requirement 1

The provider of the program is a permitted institution.


The evidence indicates that Redeemer University College is a permitted institution.

The Ontario Government passed Bill PR14 in June 2003, which granted Redeemer University College the right to offer a Bachelor of Education degree.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 1 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 2

The program has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.


The evidence indicates that the program of professional education has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.

The mission statement of Redeemer University College presented in the academic calendar outlines the conceptual framework of the Bachelor of Education program. The relationship between skills, knowledge and understanding represents the key elements in Redeemer University College's conceptual framework.

The conceptual framework is supported within the various course and field-based components of the program. These include foundation courses, curriculum studies or method courses, curriculum studies electives and practicum requirements.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 2 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 3

The program is consistent with and reflects,

  • the College's "Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession" and "the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession",
  • current research in teacher education, and
  • the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.


The evidence indicates that the program of professional education is consistent with and reflects the Ontario College of Teachers' Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession, current research in teacher education, and the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.

The Department of Education at Redeemer University College infuses the Ontario College of Teachers' Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession in their program. The formative and summative practicum evaluation forms are aligned with the standards. The standards are featured in every course.

The teacher education program at Redeemer University College is consistent with and reflects current research in teacher education. Both structural and conceptual program elements are informed by current research. The Director of Teacher Education affirmed that the program aligns with current research in teacher education.

The integration of theory and practice is evident in the teacher education programs at Redeemer University College. Submission documents made repeated reference to the connection between theory and practice in the program's mission statement, courses and practicum components. The faculty guides teacher candidates to connect their practicum experiences to the course work in the program. There are opportunities for teacher candidates to integrate theory and practice in each of their courses.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 3 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 4

The program curriculum is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of current research in teacher education and represents a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the program.


The evidence indicates that the program curriculum is current, references the Ontario curriculum, includes the application of current research in teacher education, and represents a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the programs for the Primary/Junior divisions. Additional evidence is required to fully substantiate this finding for the program curriculum for the Junior/Intermediate divisions.

The program curriculum is current. Current research in learning theories is incorporated into foundational and curriculum methodology courses in the Primary/Junior divisions. Required course readings are a combination of current university-level texts and resources which would be used in Ontario school systems.

The program curriculum in the Primary and Junior divisions references the Ontario curriculum. Submission documentation, including course outlines, indicates that the Ministry of Education documents are used in all methodology curriculum courses in those two divisions. These courses also reference Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum policies and related documents such as the Ontario Curriculum Unit Planner. The Accreditation Committee did not find sufficient evidence to determine that the applicable Ontario curriculum documents are referenced in all methodology courses for the Intermediate division.

The program includes the application of current research in teacher education. There is application of current provincial, national and international research to course work, including teaching and learning theories, educational psychology and child development.

The program represents a wide knowledge base in each of the Primary and Junior divisions. The curriculum methodology courses cover the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum and school policies for all the grade areas represented in the Primary/Junior divisions. The methodology courses include curriculum development and pedagogical practice for these two divisions. The Accreditation Committee did not find sufficient evidence to determine that the curriculum methodology courses for each teaching option offered for the Intermediate division included applicable Ministry of Education curriculum, school policies, curriculum development and pedagogical practice for grades 7-10.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 4 is fully satisfied for the consecutive and concurrent Primary/Junior program, and substantially satisfied for the consecutive and concurrent Junior/Intermediate program.

Reasons for Conclusion

Fully satisfying this requirement for the consecutive and concurrent Junior/Intermediate program is contingent upon the Accreditation Committee examining course outlines for all methods courses which include a concentrated study at the Intermediate division level, particularly those that support each of the identified teaching options.

These course outlines must include direct reference to the Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum and demonstrate a wide knowledge base in subject appropriate school policies, curriculum development and pedagogical practice appropriate for grades 7-10.

Requirement 5

The course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation courses and makes appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.


The evidence indicates that the course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation courses and appropriate provision for the application of theory in practice.

The program courses reinforce the importance of an understanding of educational theories. Required methods and foundation courses identify specific educational theory and theoretical structures which underpin their content.

All teacher candidates complete methods and foundation courses.

In their directed teaching placements (practicum), teacher candidates have opportunities to integrate educational theory with practice. During practicum placements, teacher candidates return to the department of education for seminar days which focus on integrating theoretical learning with the practical experience. Visits from faculty members during the practicum and on-line discussions during the practicum with other teacher candidates provide additional opportunities to explore the application of theory in practice.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 5 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 6

The program's format and structure are appropriate for the course content.


The evidence indicates that the program's format and structure are appropriate for the course content for the Primary/Junior divisions. Additional evidence is required to fully substantiate this finding for the course content for Junior/Intermediate divisions. 

Redeemer University College offers a 15-course, two-year program of professional education for both the concurrent and consecutive teacher education candidates. The main distinction between the consecutive and concurrent programs is the point of entry. Consecutive candidates enter the two-year teacher education program after the completion of an undergraduate degree; concurrent candidates commence their teacher education courses in their fourth year of their five-year Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education programs.

Teacher candidates are provided with a background in child development and learning theories prior to undertaking their methodology courses. The two-year program provides additional time for teacher candidates to develop curriculum methodology skills, gain understanding of educational theory and complete a variety of directed teaching (practicum) placements.

The Accreditation Committee did not find sufficient evidence to determine how the program format enables preparation in teaching methods for each of the courses identified by Redeemer University College as possible teaching options for candidates in the Junior/Intermediate stream.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 6 is fully satisfied for the consecutive and concurrent Primary/Junior program, and substantially satisfied for the consecutive and concurrent Junior/Intermediate program.

Reasons for Conclusion

Fully satisfying this requirement for the consecutive and concurrent Junior/Intermediate program is contingent upon the Accreditation Committee receiving additional information on program format and structure for teacher candidates in the Junior/Intermediate stream, demonstrating how teacher candidates in this concentration are prepared in the methods of teaching a chosen course from Schedule A, Ontario Regulation 184/97, related to Grade 7 and 8 of the Intermediate division1.

Requirement 7

Students are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the program.


The evidence indicates that the teacher candidates are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the program.

Teacher candidates receive feedback on their progress based on multiple forms of student assessment. Teacher candidates receive ongoing formative and summative feedback from faculty and associate teachers during the practicum. Various assessment and evaluation methods are used and the timing of the feedback to teacher candidates is appropriate.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 7 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 8

The program includes a practicum that satisfies the requirements set out Regulation 347/02, Subsection 9. (2). The requirements for the practicum portion of the program are as follows:

  • The practicum must include observation and practice teaching in an instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
  • The practicum must be completed in accordance with the requirements of Ontario Regulation 184/97.
  • The practicum enables every student to participate in settings related to each division and at least one of the subject areas of the program that are relevant to the student.
  • An experienced teacher supervises the students and assesses their practicum.
  • A faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each student.


The evidence indicates that the program includes a practicum component that satisfies regulatory requirements.

The structure of "teacher assisting" (observations) and directed teaching (practicum) occurs in schools that utilize the Ontario curriculum. Associate teachers are members in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers.

Teacher candidates are required to complete a minimum of 60 days of practicum during the final year of the teacher education program which exceeds the requirement prescribed in Regulation 184/97.

Primary/Junior teacher candidates complete at least one placement in each of the Primary and Junior divisions. Junior/Intermediate teacher candidates complete one placement in each of their divisions, including at least one placement in their "teachable area".

In the directed teaching placements, the teacher candidates work with an experienced teacher who is a member in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers. Both university faculty and associate teachers provide formative assessment throughout the program and a final evaluation using the department of education's rubric.

Faculty members supervise teacher candidates in each of their directed teaching placements (practicum). Faculty advisors meet with teacher candidates prior to each placement and at least four times during each practicum session and provide a debriefing session after every visit.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 8 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 9

Successful completion of the practicum is a requirement for successful completion of the program.


The evidence indicates that the successful completion of the practicum is required for successful completion of the program.

Satisfactory completion of the practicum is a requirement for successful program completion and the granting of a Bachelor of Education degree at Redeemer University College.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 9 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 10

The teaching method courses in the program are appropriate in relation to the divisions to which they relate.


The evidence indicates that the teaching method courses in the program for the Primary/Junior divisions are appropriate in relation to these divisions. Additional evidence is required to fully substantiate this finding for the teaching method courses in the programs for the Junior/Intermediate divisions.

There are a variety of methods courses specifically geared to the Primary/Junior division. Different methodology courses address curriculum and pedagogical strategies that align with Ministry of Education curriculum in the Primary/Junior divisions. Teacher candidates receive resources, such as the curriculum documents and exemplars, to support the pedagogical task of teaching in the Primary and Junior divisions.

There was evidence that some method courses are varied to address the specific divisions to which they relate, such as Teaching Social Studies for candidates in the Primary/Junior program and Teaching Social Studies: History and Geography for candidates in the Junior/Intermediate program.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 10 is fully satisfied for the consecutive and concurrent Primary/Junior program, and substantially satisfied for the consecutive and concurrent Junior/Intermediate program.

Reasons for Conclusion

The Accreditation Committee was not satisfied that each method course available to candidates as teaching options in the Junior/Intermediate stream was appropriate to grades 7 and 8 of the intermediate division.

The documentation indicated a range of subjects available to candidates in the Junior/Intermediate program as teaching options. Some teaching options relate more appropriately to senior level Ministry of Education curriculum and courses of study such as Politics, Science-Biology, Science-Chemistry, Science-Physics, Individual and Society.

Fully satisfying this requirement for the consecutive and concurrent Junior/Intermediate program is contingent upon the Accreditation Committee examining course outlines for all methods courses which include a concentrated study at the Intermediate division level, particularly those that support the intermediate options for basic qualification. These course outlines must include direct reference to grade and subject appropriate Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum.

Requirement 11

The teaching theory and foundation courses in the program include courses on human development and learning and on the legislation and government policies relating to education.


The evidence indicates that the teaching theory and foundation courses in the program include courses on human development and learning and on legislation and government policies relating to education.

The course outlines include details of a required course on human development and learning, Development and Learning (Education 301). Interview evidence provided to the Accreditation Committee indicates that the course content includes child development and pedagogical strategies.

The program includes a course on legislation and government policies relating to education: Systems of Education in Ontario: Traditions and Legal Requirements for Schooling (Education 407). Other courses, such as Teaching Practice (Education 410), provide connections to legislation and policy, and address legislative topics related to such areas as special education, attendance, assessment and evaluation.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 11 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 12

The faculty members teaching the program are an appropriate combination of,

  • persons with appropriate academic qualifications,
  • practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and
  • persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.


The evidence indicates that the faculty members teaching in the program are an appropriate combination of persons with appropriate academic qualifications, practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education, and persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components of the program.

The faculty have an appropriate combination of academic qualifications and teaching experience in the field of education. Evidence provided to the Accreditation Committee gathered from interviews with program and university administrators confirms that all persons teaching in the department of education are expected to have experience in elementary and/or secondary level teaching. Furthermore, many cross-appointed faculty teaching in the department of education are teachers in the field.

Persons teaching in the department of education possess appropriate expertise in the Primary/Junior and/or Junior/Intermediate divisions and components of the program.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 12 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 13

The permitted institution maintains adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to the program.


The evidence indicates that the department of education and Redeemer University College maintain adequate internal controls to preserve the integrity of student records relating to the program.

Redeemer University College follows "best practice procedures" established by the Association of Registrars of Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC) and the Organization of University Registrars of America (OURA). Electronic records are subject to security practices established by the ARUCC and paper records are kept in locked, secure facilities.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 13 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 14

The permitted institution is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance of the program and, if the program is an existing program, has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.


The evidence indicates that the department of education is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance of the program and has implemented measures demonstrating that commitment. 

The Department of Education at Redeemer University College is committed to continuous improvement and quality assurance of the program as evidenced by course and faculty evaluations, feedback from the Directed Teaching Placement, and initiatives that are determined through collaboration within the department of education. Individual faculty members meet annually with their program administrators to review opportunities for course development and improvement. The process of continuously improving the program is facilitated through inter-personal contact, interviews, meetings with the TEAC, and print and electronic communication with pre-service candidates, faculty, associate teachers, recent graduates, and supervisory officers.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 14 is fully satisfied.

Requirement 15

The program has a Teacher Education Advisory Committee or similar body that functions in an advisory or liaison capacity in relation to the program.


The evidence indicates that the department of education has a Teacher Education Advisory Council (TEAC) that functions in an advisory capacity in relation to the program.

The Department of Education at Redeemer University College has a committee that functions in an advisory/liaison capacity in relation to the Teacher Education program. The Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC) has a mandate to serve in an advisory role between the stakeholders of the teacher education program and the department of education in order to facilitate the education program of Redeemer University College.

The TEAC is composed of persons such as the Dean of Arts, full-time faculty, alumni, teacher candidates, school board representatives, and other education stakeholders experienced in education. Members of the TEAC come from the publicly funded school boards and independent Christian schools.


Based upon the information provided for the Accreditation Committee to consider, it finds that Requirement 15 is fully satisfied.

Decision of the Accreditation Committee

Concurrent and Consecutive Program of Professional Education - Primary/Junior Division

For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the

concurrent and consecutive programs of professional education offered by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree, and including a concentrated study of the Primary/Junior division, fully satisfies the requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

The Accreditation Committee grants general accreditation without conditions for a period of five years (April 4, 2013) or such shorter period of time as may be requested by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College.

Concurrent and Consecutive Program of Professional Education - Junior/Intermediate Division

For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that the

concurrent and consecutive programs of professional education offered by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College, leading to a Bachelor of Education degree, and including a concentrated study of the Junior/Intermediate division, substantially satisfies the requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs.

The Accreditation Committee grants general accreditation with conditions as noted below for a period of five years (April 4, 2013) or such shorter period of time as may be requested by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College.

The general accreditation of the concurrent and consecutive programs of professional education for the Junior/Intermediate division, offered by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College, are subject to the following conditions:

  1. The director of the Department of Education at Redeemer University submit additional information acceptable to the Accreditation Committee that all methods courses which include a concentrated study at the Intermediate division level include direct reference to grade and subject appropriate Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum. Once the Department of Education at Redeemer University College provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirements 4 and 10 will have been fully satisfied.

  2. The director of the Department of Education at Redeemer University submit additional information acceptable to the Accreditation Committee on program format and structure for teacher candidates in the Junior/Intermediate stream, demonstrating how teacher candidates in this concentration are prepared in the methods of teaching a chosen course from Schedule A of Ontario Regulation 184/97, related to Grade 7 and 8 of the Intermediate division. Once the Department of Education at Redeemer University College provides information that the Accreditation Committee finds to be acceptable evidence, Requirement 6 will have been fully satisfied.

As required in Section 16.(1) of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the director of the department of education shall submit to the Accreditation Committee, within six months of the Accreditation Committee issuing its decision, a plan outlining the proposed methods and estimated time for satisfying the aforementioned conditions of accreditation, and report annually to the Accreditation Committee on the progress in satisfying the conditions.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
April 4, 2008

Removal of Conditions

At its February 10, 2009 meeting, the Accreditation Committee considered the request of the Department of Education at Redeemer University College to remove the conditions of accreditation on the concurrent and consecutive programs of professional education with a concentrated study of the Junior/Intermediate Divisions, as issued in the April 4, 2008 Accreditation Decision.

In accordance with Section 16(2) of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, the Committee determined that Requirements #4, #6 and #10 are now fully satisfied and issued an order to remove the conditions of accreditation.

In making its decision, the Committee heard a presentation from the Director of Teacher Education and reviewed documentation outlining the steps taken by the Department of Education at Redeemer University College to satisfy the conditions. The Committee examined a revised offering of teaching options for the Intermediate area of concentration, and course outlines which addressed the preparation of teacher candidates in the Junior/Intermediate program stream.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
February 10, 2009

1Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, defines a program of professional education leading to basic qualifications in the Junior/Intermediate divisions as "…an educational program provided in Ontario that prepares persons to teach in elementary or secondary schools in Ontario…" and that "…leads to a granting of a degree and includes a concentrated of…the junior division and one optional course from Schedule A, O.Regulation184/97, that is in the intermediate division and a course related to grades 7 and 8 of the intermediate division" (Emphasis Added)

Amendment to Expiry Date

In accordance with the May 1, 2009 amendment to the accreditation period for programs of professional education in the Accreditation Regulation, the expiry dates for these programs are amended to April 4, 2015.

Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs
May 1, 2009

Pursuant to Section 15.2(1) of the Accreditation Regulation, the Accreditation Committee granted an extension of accreditation until April 4, 2018 for these programs to enable time to implement the new enhanced teacher education program required in September 2015.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
November 19, 2013

Decision Regarding the Enhanced Teacher Education Program Verification Report

Read the Full Decision

Confirmation of Accreditation

The Accreditation Committee finds that the following programs of professional education offered by the Department of Education, Redeemer University College fully satisfy the accreditation requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs as they read on September 1, 2015:

  • Consecutive Program of Professional Education leading to a Bachelor of Education degree, including a concentrated study of the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions
  • Concurrent Program of Professional Education leading to a Bachelor of Education degree, including a concentrated study of the Primary/Junior and Junior/Intermediate divisions

The Accreditation Committee confirms general accreditation of these programs to continue until April 4, 2018.

Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
April 7, 2016

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