Accreditation Committee Decision
Brock University — Faculty of Education Programs of Professional Education
Decision of the Accreditation Committee regarding the Programs of
Professional Education offered by Brock University's Faculty of Education
Brock University's Faculty of Education submitted an application in December
2004 for:
- Accreditation renewal of the following Programs of Professional Education:
- Concurrent
- Consecutive
- Native Teacher Education
- Technological Education
- Initial accreditation of a proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional
The Accreditation Committee appointed a panel:
- to conduct a review of the programs,
- to act in an Advisory role
- to report to the Accreditation Committee on its findings and
- to make recommendations to the Accreditation Committee with respect to
the accreditation of Brock University's Faculty of Education's Programs of
Professional Education.
The panel of eight persons included three members of Council who were also
members of the Accreditation Committee (one of these members was appointed
to the Council by the Lieutenant Governor in Council), three members of the
College who were not members of Council, a person nominated by the Faculty
of Education and a person drawn from a roster who was an educator in a faculty
of education.
The panel reviewed documentation provided by the Faculty of Education and
carried out site visits to the Faculty of Education campuses in St. Catharines
and Hamilton. The on-site visits took place February 14-18, 2005. During these
site visits, the accreditation panel held interviews with the Acting Vice-President
Academic of Brock University, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Education, Associate
Dean of the Faculty of Education, faculty members, instructors, counselors,
instructional resource centre personnel, admissions personnel, technology personnel,
finance personnel, associate teachers, alumnus, principals, teacher candidates,
and members of the Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC).
In response to an invitation issued by the Ontario College of Teachers for
submissions from members of the public, the accreditation panel also received
a presentation by the Catholic Community, represented by professional staff
of the Niagara Catholic District School Board, Chair of the Catholic Principals'
Association, a representative from the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association,
and a representative from the St. Catharines Diocese.
The Accreditation Committee, by virtue of the authority granted under the Ontario
College of Teachers Act 1996, and Section 5 of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation
of Teacher Education Programs, set out to determine if the Programs of Professional
Education offered by Brock University's Faculty of Education and the proposed
Part-time Consecutive Program qualified for accreditation by satisfying the
15 requirements of Regulation 347/02.
The Accreditation Committee considered the Final Report of the accreditation
panel, the response of the Faculty of Education, Brock University dated June
9, 2005 to the panel's draft report and regulatory requirements of Regulation
347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and Regulation 184/97,
Teachers' Qualifications. Based on its review of this information, the Accreditation
Committee decided the following.
a. Accreditation Renewal of the Concurrent, Consecutive,
Native Teacher Education and Technological Education Programs of Professional
Education Requirement 1
The provider of the program is a permitted institution.
Brock University was created under the Brock University Act, Statutes
of Ontario, 1964, Chapter 127, as amended by 1971, Chapter 107.
Requirement 1 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 2
The program has a clearly delineated conceptual framework.
All programs are conceptualized within systems theory. Evidence was found
that this conceptual framework permeates all programs, including inclusion
in the course outlines, the booklets distributed and practicum handbooks. The
teacher candidates articulated the relationship between their coursework and
their practicum experience in a way that reflected the central concepts of
the Triple C Cycle framework.
Requirement 2 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 3
The program is consistent with and reflects,
- the College's “Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession” and “the
Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession”,
- current research in teacher education, and
- the integration of theory and practice in teacher education.
Documentation, course outlines, reports, exhibits, portfolios, interviews
with faculty members, teacher candidates and graduates indicated that all existing
programs are consistent with and reflect the College's standards, current
research in teacher education, and the integration of theory and practice in
teacher education.
Requirement 3 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 4
The program curriculum is current, references the Ontario curriculum,
includes the application of current research in teacher education and represents
a wide knowledge base in the divisions and components of the program.
Course assignments used current publications and web-based resource materials,
required web-based research and incorporated the Ontario curriculum. The Ontario
curriculum and current terminology are referenced throughout the course outlines
and commented on by the teacher candidates. Interviews with faculty members
reflected a knowledge of current educational practices.
Requirement 4 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 5
The course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation
courses and makes appropriate provision for the application of theory in
All programs incorporate theory, method and foundations courses.
Requirement 5 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 6
The program's format and structure are appropriate for the course content.
All programs are arranged in such a way that course content is appropriately
accommodated within a suitable structure. Theory is taught in foundation courses.
Teaching practice is situated within internship centres and supported through
counseling groups. Methodology is addressed in both the instructional strategies
course and in subject specific tutorials. The acts and regulations governing
education are covered in a separate course.
Requirement 6 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 7
Students are assessed and informed of their progress on an ongoing basis
throughout the program.
There is consistent evidence that teacher candidates are assessed and informed
of their progress on an ongoing basis throughout the program. This evidence
reflects a collaborative approach to assessment.
Requirement 7 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 8
The program includes a practicum that satisfies the requirements set out
in Regulation 347/02, Subsection 9.(2). The requirements for the practicum
portion of the program are as follows:
- The practicum must include observation and practice teaching in an
instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario
curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
- The practicum must be completed in accordance with the requirements
of Ontario Regulation 184/97.
- The practicum enables every student to participate in settings related
to each division and at least one of the subject areas of the program that
are relevant to the student.
- An experienced teacher supervises the students and assesses their practicum.
- A faculty member is appointed as an advisor for each student.
In all existing programs there is evidence that teacher candidates will have
an experience that includes observation and practice teaching in a school setting
and a minimum of 40 days of practical experience in school. There is confirmation
that teacher candidates will have an opportunity to participate in settings
related to each division and at least one of the subject areas. A faculty member
is appointed as an advisor for each teacher candidate and there is verification
that experienced teachers supervise the teacher candidates and assess their
Requirement 8 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 9
Successful completion of the practicum is a requirement for successful
completion of the program.
Information provided by university officials, faculty members, practicum counselors,
associate teachers and school principals indicates that the completion of the
practicum is a requirement for all programs
Requirement 9 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 10
The teaching method courses in the program are appropriate in relation
to the divisions to which they relate.
In course outlines, the topics and activities are appropriate for the respective
divisions. This was supported by interviews with faculty members and teacher
Requirement 10 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 11
The teaching theory and foundation courses in the program include courses
on human development and learning and on the legislation and government policies
relating to education.
Theories about human development and learning are taught within a number of
mandatory courses in all programs. A series of courses on classroom dynamics
pay particular attention to principles of child development and learning. Legislation
and government policies are addressed in Professionalism, Law and the Ontario
Educator (EDUC 8Y05). Legislation and policy specific to special education
is covered in Current Trends and Issues in Special Education (EDUC 8Y04).
Requirement 11 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 12
The faculty members teaching the program are an appropriate combination
- persons with appropriate academic qualifications,
- practitioners with appropriate experience in the field of education,
- persons with appropriate expertise in the divisions and components
of the program.
A majority of the full-time Faculty is tenured, holds advanced degrees in
related areas and has produced numerous academic publications.
Part-time instructors deliver practicum courses and curriculum or teachable
(Tutorial) courses as well as methods courses (Instructional Strategies). Most
of these part-time instructors are retired teachers and school administrators.
The Native Teacher Education Program of Professional Education is taught by
faculty members with experience and knowledge related to Native issues. These
instructors include former teachers and principals from First Nations schools,
along with specialists in Native languages and culture.
The French Teaching Specialization, Technology Education, and Enterprise Education
are served by a specialized faculty complement.
Requirement 12 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 13
The permitted institution maintains adequate internal controls to preserve
the integrity of student records relating to the program.
Interviews with the Registrar, Assistant Registrar, technical personnel including
the Network Administrator, Coordinator of IT Services and Systems Administrator
(Hamilton campus), and the undergraduate calendar demonstrate the adequacy
of Brock University's internal controls to preserve the integrity of student
records relating to all programs.
Requirement 13 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 14
The permitted institution is committed to continuous improvement and quality
assurance of the program and, if the program is an existing program, has
implemented measures demonstrating that commitment.
Faculty of Education members at Brock University have been active in research
on various aspects of program delivery. Formal stakeholder surveys have been
made available to inform future decision-making. Instructional groups use oral
feedback from teacher candidates and instructors to improve their program.
Teacher candidates anonymously evaluate courses and faculty members receive
course evaluations based on these surveys. The evaluations are read by the
Program Chair. Instructors meet in teams to consider the effectiveness of their
instruction. Faculty re-evaluate and re-plan their courses each year on the
basis of these evaluations.
Requirement 14 is fully satisfied.
Requirement 15
The program has a Teacher Education Advisory Committee or similar body
that functions in an advisory or liaison capacity in relation to the program.
A Teacher Education Advisory Committee (TEAC) exists at the Faculty of Education
at Brock University. This TEAC meets twice a year, makes recommendations and
provides input into program design and delivery. TEAC publishes its minutes.
Requirement 15 is fully satisfied.
Initial Accreditation of the proposed Part-time Consecutive
Program of Professional Education
In consideration of the proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional
Education, the Accreditation Committee finds that the program substantially
satisfies 12 of the requirements for accreditation, but does not fully satisfy
requirements 5, 6 and 8.
Requirement 5
The course content of the program includes theory, method and foundation
courses and makes appropriate provision for the application of theory in
The proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional Education is designed
using a systems theory that incorporates theory and a generic methods course.
Teacher candidates are required to complete courses in educational theory,
such as educational psychology, assessment and evaluation, that will inform
their teaching practice. Foundational principles are included in the school
law course.
However, no evidence was found of any methods courses planned for specific
subject teachables.
The proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional Education does
not fully satisfy Requirement 5.
Requirement 6
The program's format and structure are appropriate for the course content.
Based on the evidence received and considered, the proposed Part-time Consecutive
Program of Professional Education Program does not contain two optional courses
from Schedule A, as required by Regulation 184/97, ss. 1 (3) 1. iii.
The proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional Education does
not fully satisfy Requirement 6.
The program includes a practicum that satisfies the requirements set out
in Regulation 347/02, Subsection 9.(2). The requirements for the practicum
portion of the program are as follows:
- The practicum must include observation and practice teaching in an
instructional setting in schools or other situations that use the Ontario
curriculum or in situations approved by the College.
- The practicum must be completed in accordance with the requirements
of Ontario Regulation 184/97.
- The practicum enables every student to participate in settings related
to each division and at least one of the subject areas of the program that
are relevant to the student.
- An experienced teacher supervises the students and assesses their practicum.
- A faculty member I appointed as an advisor for each student.
In the proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional Education, there
is no confirmation of a concrete process to ensure that candidates have experience
in both divisions.
In the model presented for the proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional
Education it was unclear who would supervise the teacher candidate and assess
the practicum.
Substantiation has not been found that Regulation 347/02, ss. 9(2)(3) and
ss. 9(2)(4) is satisfied by the proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional
Education . In addition, it is not clear that teacher candidates will be supervised
and assessed by an experienced and fully qualified teacher. In consequence,
this requirement is substantially, but not fully, satisfied by the proposed
Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional Education.
For the reasons set out above, the Accreditation Committee finds that Brock
University's Faculty of Education's:
- Concurrent Program of Professional Education satisfies the requirements
of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and grants
general accreditation for a period of five years (2010).
- Consecutive Program of Professional Education satisfies the requirements
of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs, and grants
general accreditation for a period of five years (2010).
- Native Teacher Education Program of Professional Education satisfies the
requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs,
and grants general accreditation for a period of five years (2010).
- Technological Education Program of Professional Education satisfies the
requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs,
and grants general accreditation for a period of five years (2010).
- Proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional Education does not
fully satisfy the requirements of Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher
Education Programs, and grants initial accreditation with conditions to the
proposed Part-time Consecutive Program of Professional Education, for Intermediate
and Senior divisions only for a period of two years (2007) or the period
of time ending on the graduation of the second class of students enrolled
in the program, whichever is the longer period of time, not to exceed three
years (2008).
The conditions for the proposed Part-time Consecutive program of Professional
Education shall be the following:
- The program includes, for each Intermediate/Senior teacher candidate, the
provision of two optional courses from Schedule A, as per Regulation 184/97,
ss. 1. (3) 1. iii.
- An experienced teacher who is also a member, in good standing, of the Ontario
College of Teachers supervises and assesses teacher candidates.
- The practicum enables every Intermediate/Senior teacher candidate to participate
in settings related to each division and at least one of the subject areas
of the program that are relevant.
Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
October 6, 2005
Amendments to Expiry Date
In accordance with the May 1, 2009 amendment to the accreditation period for programs of professional education in the Accreditation Regulation, the expiry date for the programs accredited in this decision are amended to October 6, 2012.
Regulation 347/02, Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs
May 1, 2009
On June 23, 2009, the Accreditation Committee and the Faculty of Education at Brock University agreed to shorten the general accreditation period for these programs to August 29, 2011 to enable all accredited programs at the institution to have a harmonized expiry date.
Accreditation Committee
Ontario College of Teachers
June 23, 2009