101 Bloor Street West
Toronto ON, M5S 0A1
P: 416-961-8800
Toll Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1-888-534-2222
F: 416-961-8822

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Annual membership fee information

Your annual membership fee is $200. Annual fees are due on January 1 of each year, and you must pay the fee by April 15.

By the end of January, employers have deducted and forwarded to the College the membership fee for their full-time and long-term occasional teachers, principals, vice-principals, academic supervisory officers and consultants. Some private schools and the Provincial Schools Authority also deduct the annual fee for their employees. 

In mid-February all members of the College who have not yet paid their annual membership fee are sent a reminder that their fee is due. You are responsible for keeping your membership in good standing, so check that the payroll deduction is made. 

If you are not eligible for payroll deduction, you must make sure to pay your own fee by April 15. 

After April 15, the College will change the status of members who have not paid their annual fee to Inactive/Non-Practising. Members with this status are not eligible to work in publicly funded schools. Members must pay the annual fee and a reinstatement fee to reinstate their membership and return to good standing. Members who have not successfully completed the Sexual Abuse Prevention Program must complete the Program before they can be reinstated.

For more information see the Fees section of our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Annual membership fee information

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


All Other Inquiries:

Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


© 2025 Ontario College of Teachers

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