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Wait Times

Here you will find useful academic research related to Professionally Speaking's popular Professional Practice feature.

Click on the titles to see them in the online catalogue of the Margaret Wilson Library. To borrow items from the library you will need to sign in using your College Registration Number and Members section password.

Professional Practice: Wait Times

From the March 2013 issue of Professionally Speaking

Beyond Monet : the artful science of instructional integration
Barrie Bennett, Carol Rolheiser

Concept-rich mathematics instruction : building a strong foundation for reasoning and problem solving
Meir Ben-Hur

Great teaching : what matters most in helping students succeed
Robert C. DiGiulio

Instructional strategies for middle and high school
Bruce E. Larson and Timothy A. Keiper

Inviting students to learn : 100 tips for talking effectively with your students
Jenny Edwards

Quality questioning : research-based practice to engage every learner
Jackie A. Walsh, Beth D. Sattes

Talking, listening, and teaching : a guide to classroom communication
Thomas S.C. Farrell

What successful math teachers do, grades 6-12 : 79 research-based strategies for the standards-based classroom
Alfred S. Posamentier, Daniel Jaye

Teaching on target : models, strategies, and methods that work
Daniel C. Elliott

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