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Here you will find useful academic research related to Professionally Speaking's popular Professional Practice feature.

Click on the titles to see them in the online catalogue of the Margaret Wilson Library. To borrow items from the library you will need to sign in using your College Registration Number and Members section password.

Professional Practice Research: Autism Spectrum Disorder

From the March 2017 issue of Professionally Speaking

100 ideas for supporting pupils on the autistic spectrum
by Brower, Francine
Body language for dummies
by Kuhnke, Elizabeth
Building social skills for autism, sensory processing disorders and learning disabilities
by Delaney, Tara, Hamrick, Mary C
Practical ideas that really work for students with Asperger's syndrome
by McConnell, Kathleen., Ryser, Gail
Visual strategies for improving communication
by Hodgdon, Linda A
Visual supports for visual thinkers
by Rogers, Lisa

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