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Prerequisites for Admission to Additional Qualifications (AQ) and Programs

For detailed information as it appears in legislation, please see the Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation, O. Reg 176/10. 

Additional Qualification courses require you to meet certain prerequisites in order to be admitted into your chosen AQ course. It’s your responsibility to learn which prerequisites you might need. The minimum admission requirements are listed below. To register for any AQ, you must have a Certificate of Qualification and Registration.

Note: if you have a Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration, you are not eligible for enrollment.

Schedule A - General Education, one-session, Additional Basic Qualifications (ABQ): Primary, Junior, Intermediate & Senior

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration
  • an acceptable post-secondary degree or equivalent qualifications.

Schedule B - Technological Education, one-session, Additional Basic Qualifications (ABQ): grades 9 - 10, and grades 11 - 12

You need:

Grades 9 & 10

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration with Technological Education Qualifications

Grades 11 & 12:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration with Technological Education Qualifications and one of the following:
    • 12 months’ work experience, including business or industrial experience, in which you used skills and knowledge related to the subject
    • post-secondary education equivalent to 12 months’ work experience, including business or industrial experience, in which you used skills and knowledge related to the subject
    • a combination thereof.
  • Demonstrated competency related to the subject is required in any work experience described above


  • Educators without technological education qualifications need:
    • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration
    • five years’ work experience, including business or industrial experience, or a combined total of five years’ post-secondary education and work experience, including:
      • at least two years’ business or industrial work experience, at least four months of which were continuous, and post-secondary education acceptable to the College consisting of:
        • an apprenticeship program acceptable to the College, and…
        • work experience demonstrating competency based on an assessment of advanced skills and knowledge, related to a technological education subject listed in Schedule B of the regulation.
  • Eligible work experience must use skills and knowledge related to the subject and may include business or industrial experience

Schedule C - one-session, additional qualifications (AQ)

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration.

Schedule D - three-part specialist additional qualifications (AQ) (Parts I, II and Specialist)

Schedule D - PART I

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration with qualifications in one of the following:
    • primary division
    • junior division
    • intermediate division
    • senior division.

Schedule D Part I: Kindergarten

You need to be qualified in the primary division

Schedule D Part I: Primary Education

You need to be qualified in the primary division

Schedule D Part I: Junior Education

You need to be qualified in the junior division

Schedule D Part I: Intermediate Education

You need to be qualified in the intermediate division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A 

Technological Education qualifications

Teachers with Technological Education certification may take three-part specialist courses in the following subjects listed in Schedule D:

  • Actualisation linguistique en français / Programme d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants
  • Anti-Black Racism
  • Co-operative Education
  • English Language Learners (formerly "English as a Second Language")
  • Guidance and Career Education
  • Inclusive Classroom
  • Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction
  • Media
  • Music – Instrumental
  • Music – Vocal, Intermediate and Senior
  • Music – Vocal, Primary and Junior
  • Reading
  • Religious Education in Catholic Schools
  • Special Education
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Teaching Students Who Are Blind / Low Vision
  • Teaching Students Who Are Deafblind
  • Visual Arts
  • Writing.

Schedule D - Part II

You need:

  • at least one school year of successful classroom teaching experience, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or supervisory official and
  • part 1 of the specialist qualification, or an equivalent program.


  • qualification in the intermediate or senior division in the same subject listed in Schedule A.

Note: applicants with a qualification in Kindergarten from Schedule C may enter Part II of the Schedule D Kindergarten specialist qualification.

Schedule D - Specialist

You need:

  • part II of the specialist qualification, or an equivalent program
  • at least two school years’ successful classroom teaching experience, including at least one school year teaching the subject, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer / official.

Schedule E - One-session Honour Specialist AQs

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration with qualifications in primary, junior, intermediate or senior division.
  • an acceptable four-year post-secondary degree with at least 120 credits, including:
    • for one subject, a minimum of 54 post-secondary credits in the subject
    • for two subjects, a minimum of 36 post-secondary credits in each subject and 84 in total
    • at least second class or equivalent standing in each subject
    • two school years of successful classroom teaching experience, including at least one year teaching the subject or subjects in question, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer / official.

Note: a post-secondary credit that meets the requirements for an honour specialist qualification only counts toward one such qualification. A post-secondary credit in Anthropology, Psychology or Sociology counts toward a post-secondary credit in Social Sciences.

Honour specialist additional qualification in Technological Education

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration
  • two school years of successful classroom teaching experience, including at least one in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B
  • a secondary school graduation diploma or the equivalent of one year’s full-time study in a relevant program
  • one of the following:
    • one qualification in grades 9 and 10 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B, and one qualification in grades 11 and 12 in the same subject, and two other qualifications, each of which is in a different technological education subject, in grades 9 and 10 or grades 11 and 12, or a combination of the two
    • or two qualifications in grades 9 and 10 in technological education subjects listed in Schedule B, and qualifications in grades 11 and 12 in the same two subjects
    • or four qualifications in grades 9 and 10 in technological education subjects listed in Schedule B and a specialist qualification.

Note: any of the following AQs listed below are equivalent to one qualification in grades 9 and 10 in a technological education subject in Schedule B:

  • Computer Studies (Schedule A)
  • Science and Technology, Grades 7 and 8 (Schedule C)
  • Part 1 of a three-part specialist qualification in one of the following subjects listed in Schedule D:
    • Actualisation linguistique en français/Programme d’appui aux nouveaux arrivants
    • Co-operative Education
    • Enseignement et Leadership en situation minoritaire
    • Teaching English Language Learners
    • Guidance and Career Education
    • Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction.
    • Special Education.

Teaching Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing program

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration.
  • one of the following:
    • at least two courses acceptable to the College in American Sign Language or Langue des signes québécoise
    • proficiency in American Sign Language or Langue des signes québécoise at least equivalent to completing two such courses
    • completion of a program outside Ontario for teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing equivalent to an Ontario-accredited program.

To be awarded a specialist qualification for teaching students who are deaf or hard of hearing you need:

  • Qualification for Teaching Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and
  • at least one school year of successful classroom teaching experience requiring this qualification as verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or supervisory official.

Principal's Qualifications

Principal’s Qualifications Program (PQP): Part I

You need:

  • an acceptable post-secondary degree or equivalent qualifications
  • qualifications in grades 9 and 10 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B or in the intermediate division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A, and qualifications in any two of:
    • the primary division
    • the junior division
    • grades 11 and 12 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B
    • the senior division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A
  • at least five years of successful elementary or secondary classroom teaching experience , verified by the appropriate supervisory officer / official
  • one of the following:
    • two specialist or honour specialist qualifications
    • one specialist or honour specialist qualification, and successful completion of at least half the number of graduate post-secondary credits required to qualify for a master’s degree at an appropriate institution
    • a master’s degree of at least 30 credits or their equivalent, or a doctorate, at an appropriate institution
    • successful completion of at least 30 graduate post-secondary credits or their equivalent, at an appropriate institution.


  • Any required graduate post-secondary credits or their equivalent are in addition to any credits required for a general certificate of qualification and registration.

Principal’s Qualification Program (PQP): Part II

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration
  • Part 1 Principal’s Qualification, or one of the following:
    • an interim or permanent Elementary School Principal’s Certificate
    • an interim or permanent Secondary School Principal’s Certificate, Type B
    • an interim or permanent Vocational School Principal’s Certificate
    • an interim Secondary School Principal’s Certificate
    • an interim Secondary School Principal’s Certificate, Type A. 

Principal’s Development Qualifications

You need:

  • principal’s qualifications
  • two school years of successful experience as a principal or vice-principal, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer / official
  • completion of an appropriate accredited program, or one the Registrar considers to be equivalent.

Supervisory Officer’s Qualifications

The Supervisory Officer’s Qualification Program (SOQP) consists of four instructional modules and a practicum that must be completed within five years of starting the program.

You need:

  • a Certificate of Qualification and Registration
  • an acceptable postsecondary degree or equivalent qualifications
  • Intermediate division qualifications in a general education subject from Schedule A or a qualification in Grades 9 and 10 in a technological education subject from Schedule B, and qualifications in any two of:
    • the Primary division
    • the Junior division
    • either the Senior division in a general education subject from Schedule A or Grades 11 and 12 in a technological education subject from Schedule B, or equivalent qualifications
  • qualifications equivalent to the Primary division, Junior division, and either Senior division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A or a Grade 11 and 12 technological education subject listed in Schedule B
  • five years of successful classroom teaching experience in a school providing elementary or secondary education
  • an acceptable master’s degree with 30 graduate postsecondary credits or their equivalent, or a doctorate of which the credits or their equivalent were completed in addition to any credits required for initial certification.

And one or more of:

  • Principal’s Qualifications, or
  • an Elementary School Principal’s Certificate, a Secondary School Principal’s Certificate – Type A, a Secondary School Principal’s Certificate – Type B, or a Secondary School Principal’s Certificate, or
  • qualifications to be a principal from a jurisdiction outside Ontario, verified by the appropriate supervisory official, or
  • held or had held the position of principal outside Ontario equivalent to a position in Ontario for which principal’s qualifications are required under the Education Act, or
  • specialist or honour specialist qualifications in one or more subjects and, in addition to five years of successful classroom teaching experience, at least two school years of successful experience as a teacher appointed by a school board to supervise or co-ordinate a subject or program or to act as a consultant for teachers of a subject or program, as verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or supervisory official, or
  • specialist or honour specialist qualifications from a jurisdiction outside Ontario, as verified by the appropriate supervisory official, that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to specialist or honour specialist qualifications in one or more subjects and, in addition to five years of successful classroom teaching experience, at least two years of successful experience in a position equivalent to a position as a teacher appointed by a school board to supervise or co-ordinate a subject or program or to act as a consultant for teachers of a subject or program, as verified by the appropriate supervisory officer or supervisory official, or
  • in addition to five years of successful classroom teaching experience, at least two years of successful experience as:
    • an education officer employed at the Ontario Ministry of Education, as verified by a district manager or branch director of the Ministry, or as an employee outside Ontario in a position that the Registrar considers to be equivalent, or
    • an employee outside Ontario in a position that the Registrar considers to be equivalent to the position of supervisory officer of a school board, as verified by the appropriate supervisory official, or
    • a program consultant seconded to the Ontario Ministry of Education for French-language, English-language or Native-language programs, as verified by a district manager or branch director of the Ministry of Education, or as an employee in a position outside Ontario that the Registrar considers to be equivalent, or
    • at least two years of education-related leadership experience in an educational organization in a position that the Registrar considers comparable to one of these positions. 

Supervisory Officer's Development Qualifications

You need:

  • supervisory officer's qualifications
  • two school years of successful experience as a supervisory officer, verified by the appropriate supervisory officer / official or supervisory director of education
  • completion of an appropriate accredited program, or one the Registrar considers to be equivalent.

101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON, M5S 0A1

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Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


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Telephone: 437.880.3000

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


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