The College transitioned to a modernized governance model on February 1, 2022.
Council is established through a competency-based application and selection process, with an equal number of members of the public and College members in good standing.
Applications for governance positions are accepted year-round and will be held for review until the annual selection process, which occurs at the end of each calendar year.
To support recruitment for Council, the College developed a competency matrix that identifies essential skills, professional backgrounds, and lived experiences required to effectively regulate the profession in a way that reflects the diversity of Ontario. Every individual who applies for a position is vetted with the matrix as a guide.
Council is composed of 12 members. Six must be Ontario Certified Teachers. Six must be members of the public who are not now, and never been, a member of the teaching profession.
Members of Council also serve on one or more of the following subcommittees of Council:
- Audit and Finance Subcommittee
- Human Resources Subcommittee
- Selection and Nominating Subcommittee
The mandate of each subcommittee is prescribed in regulation or the College’s bylaws, depending on its role in the governance structure.
No members of Council are permitted to serve on the College’s statutory committees, regulatory committees, nor rosters, and vice-versa.
Maria Vasanelli, OCT was appointed Chair of Council for a one-year term. A Vice-Chair of Council is not required under the Act.
As prescribed by regulation, the Chair of Council is responsible for:
- Providing leadership to the Council by,
- guiding the Council in carrying out its responsibilities and working collaboratively with the Registrar,
- leading orderly deliberation and decision-making on matters before the Council, and
- acting as the liaison between the Council and the Registrar.
- Managing meetings by,
- calling and presiding over meetings,
- approving meeting agendas and meeting dates,
- ensuring that meeting agendas reflect matters assigned to the Council in accordance with the Act or the regulations,
- ensuring that minutes are taken at each meeting, reviewing and approving minutes at subsequent meetings, and signing the minutes once approved,
- directing members of the Council who have made a conflict of interest declaration to leave the meeting when the issue in question is being discussed, and
- providing reports for inclusion in the annual report and for presentation to the annual meeting of members.
Interested in a role on future Council? Learn more.
Applications for governance positions are accepted year-round and will be held for review until the annual selection process, which occurs at the end of each calendar year.