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Argentina: Statement of Professional Standing

You can obtain a Statement of Professional Standing from:

Argentina head office

Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología, Pizzurno 935, Capital Federal 1020 Buenos Aires, Argentina; OR see the contact information for the province in Argentina where you last taught.

Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Dirección General de Cultura y Educación (DGCYE), Secretaria de Inspeccion de Guernica, Calle 25 Entre 210 y 1, N* 26, Ciudad de Guernica, C.P. (1862)
Buenos Aires (Argentine)

Argentina (Catamarca)

Ministerio de Educación Catamarca, Casa de Gobierno, Sarmiento 613, San Fdo. Del V. de Catamarca, CP 4700, Argentina

Argentina (Chaco)

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología Provincia del Chaco, Gobernador Bosch No. 99-Nave 10, 3500- Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina

Argentina (Chubut)

Ministerio de Educación de Chubut, 9 de julio 24, 9103 Rawson, Chubut, Patagonia Argentina

Argentina (Ciudad de Buenos Aires)

No contact information available

Argentina (Córdoba)

Ministerio de Educación de Córdoba, Calle Ituzaingó No. 1300 Barrio Nueva Córdoba, Córdoba Capital, Argentina

Argentina (Corrientes)

Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Provincia de Corrientes (no address available)

Argentina (Entre Ríos)

Consejo General de Educación, Córdoba y Laprida, Paraná, CP 3100, Entre Ríos, Argentina

Argentina (Formosa)

Gobierno de la Provincia de Formosa, Ministerio de Cultura y Educación, Av. 24 de mayo 58 1. Piso, Formosa, Capital, Argentina

Argentina (Jujuy)

Ministerio de Gobierno Justicia y Educación de Jujuy, San Martin 450-1° Piso, 4600 San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina

Argentina (La Pampa)

Ministerio de Cultura y Educación, Casa de Gobierno, Centro Cívico, 2° Piso, La Pampa, Argentina

Argentina (La Rioja)

Ministerio de Educación de La Rioja, Catamarca Nº 65 - 1º Piso, Argentina

Argentina (Mendoza)

Dirección General de Escuelas, Gobierno de Mendoza, Av. L. Peltier 351- 1er. piso - Mendoza, Argentina

Argentina (Misiones)

Gobierno de la Provincia de Misiones, Consejo General de Educación (no address available)

Argentina (Neuquén)

Consejo Provincial de Educación Provincia del Neuquén, Belgrano 1350, 8300 Neuquén, Argentina

Argentina (Río Negro)

Consejo Provincial de Educación de Río Negro (no address available)

Argentina (Salta)

Ministerio de Educación, Centro Civico Grand Broug., 1er Bloque Planta Baja, CP 4400 Salta, Argentina

Argentina (San Juan)

Gobierno de San Juan, Ministerio de Educación, Av. José Ignacio de la Roza y Catamarca, Santra Cruz, Argentina

Argentina (San Luis)

Gobierno de la Provincia de San Luis, Ministerio de Cultura y Educación, 9 de Julio 934- 1º piso (Ala Sur) - Casa de Gobierno, San Luis, Argentina

Argentina (Santa Cruz)

Consejo Provincial de Educación Santa Cruz, Avda. Roca 1381, (9400) Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina

Argentina (Santa Fe)

Ministerio de Educación de Santa Fe, Avda. Arturo Illia 1153, 5to. Piso 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina

Argentina (Santiago del Estero)

Subsecretario de Educación y Cultura (no address available)

Argentina (Tierra del Fuego)

Provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur Ministerio de Educación (no address available)

Argentina (Tucumán)

Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Provincia de Tucumán (no address available)

Statement of Professional Standing

A Statement of Professional Standing is a letter from a licensing body or an education ministry that says your right to teach has never been suspended, revoked or cancelled.

The Statement of Professional Standing provides the Ontario College of Teachers with information regarding your past professional practice as a teacher. For example, it tells the College whether your authorization to teach has ever been taken away for disciplinary reasons or whether you would still be welcome to teach in that country, province or state.

You must arrange to have this statement sent to the College from the jurisdiction where you completed your teacher education and from every jurisdiction in which you have been certified to teach.

The statement must:

  • verify you were authorized to teach in that jurisdiction
  • state that your authorization was never suspended, cancelled or revoked
  • come directly to the College from the licensing authority or department of education
  • be an original and signed by the appropriate official
  • not be more than one year old when the College receives it
  • be in the official language of the country in which you taught.

The College recognizes some jurisdictions have no central authority governing the teaching profession. In these instances the College will accept other documents.

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Client Services:

Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


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Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


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