Minutes of Council Meetings
Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council of the Ontario College of Teachers Held Via Videoconference on July 19, 2023
Present: Diana Miles (Chair); Linda Lacroix, OCT (Registrar); Abena Buahene; Jonathan Davey; Douglas Gosse, OCT; Elaine Lajeunesse; Jonathan Rose; Maria Vasanelli, OCT; Tammy Webster, OCT; Valerie Williamson, OCT
Regrets: Martine Lewis, OCT; Imran Syed, OCT
Staff: Jason Bennett; Anna-Marie Nielsen, OCT; Bill Powell; Demetra Saldaris, OCT; Fred Towers; Kim Bauer (Recorder)
1. Call to Order/Welcome
The Chair called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. and welcomed all those present.
2. Agenda
It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Jonathan Davey, and
That the Agenda for the July 19, 2023 Special Meeting of Council be approved.
Preparation time of one half-day was confirmed.
3. Conflict of Interest
No conflicts were declared.
4. Business
4.1 Amendments to Ontario Regulation 176/10 (Teachers Qualifications)
The Registrar, Linda Lacroix, provided background information on the proposed regulatory amendments. The Director of Policy, Governance and Tribunals, Jason Bennett, reviewed the amendments and responded to questions.
It was moved by Maria Vasanelli, seconded by Abena Buahene, and
That Council approve the proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 176/10 (Teachers’ Qualifications), as outlined in Document 44, Attachment 1.
4.2 Amendments to Ontario Regulation 493/20 (Alternative Eligibility for Therapy or Counselling)
The Registrar reviewed the proposed amendments.
It was moved by Elaine Lajeunesse, seconded by Jonathan Rose, and
That Council approve the proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 493/20 (Alternative Eligibility for Therapy or Counselling), as outlined in Document 45, Attachment 1.
4.3 Amendments to Ontario Regulation 271/09 (Fair Registration Practices)
The Registrar reviewed the intent of the proposed amendments and confirmed the College’s support for reducing certification timelines. She noted that the resulting budget implications would be shared with the Audit and Finance Subcommittee and its September meeting.
The Registrar and Directors provided responses during the question-and-answer session that followed.
On behalf of Council, the Chair extended her thanks to the leadership team and staff for their continuing contributions in support of improving registration practices.
It was moved by Douglas Gosse, seconded by Valerie Williamson, and
That Council approve the proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 271/09 (Fair Registration Practices), as outlined in Document 46, Attachment 1.
5. Future Meeting Dates
The Chair reminded Council members that the October 5, 2023 meeting of Council will be held in person.
6. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m. Immediately following adjournment, Council moved into a private session to review a draft strategic plan.