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Switzerland: Statement of Professional Standing

You can obtain a Statement of Professional Standing from:


Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK), Conférence des directeurs cantonaux de l’instruction publique (CDIP), Generalsekretariat, Haus der Kantone, Speichergasse 6, Postface, CH 3001 Bern, Switzerland

Switzerland - Aargau

Haus der Kantone, Speichergasse 6, 3000 Bern 7, Switzerland

Switzerland - Appenzell A. Rh

Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Regierungsgebäude, 9100 Herisau, Switzerland

Switzerland - Appenzell I. Rh

Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Appenzell Inner-Rhoden, Hauptgasse 51, 9050 Appenzell, Switzerland

Switzerland - Basel-Landshaft

Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Basel-Landschaft, Rheinstrasse 31, 4410 Liestal, Switzerland

Switzerland - Basel-Stadt

Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt, Leimenstrasse 1, 4001 Basel, Switzerland

Switzerland - Bern

Amt für Hochschulen Abteilung Pädagogische Hochschulen, Sulgeneckstrasse 70, 3005 Bern, Switzerland

Switzerland - Fribourg

Direction de l'Instruction publique, de la culture et du sport du canton de Fribourg, Rue de l'Hôpital 1, 1701 Fribourg, Suisse (Direktion für Erziehung, Kultur und Sport des Kantons Freiburg, Spitalgasse 1, 1700 Freiburg Switzerland)

Switzerland - Genève

Département de l'Instruction publique du canton de Genève, rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville 6, Case postale 3925, 1211 Genève 3, Suisse

Switzerland - Glarus

Departement Bildung und Kultur, Gerichtshausstrasse 25, 8750 Glarus, Switzerland

Switzerland - Graubunden

Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Graubünden, Quaderstrasse 17, 7000 Chur, Switzerland

Switzerland - Jura

Département de l'éducation du Canton du Jura Servece de l'enseignement, rue du 24-Septembre 2, 2800 Delémont, Suisse

Switzerland - Luzern

Bildungs- und Kulturdepartement des Kantons Luzern, Bahnhofstrasse 18, 6002 Luzern, Switzerland

Switzerland - Neuchatel

Département de l'Instruction publique du canton, 2001 Neuchâtel, Suisse

Switzerland - Nidwalden

Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Nidwalden, Marktgasse 3, 6371 Stans, Switzerland

Switzerland - Obwalden

Bildungs- und Kulturdepartement des Kantons Obwalden, Brünigstrasse 178, 6061 Sarnen, Switzerland

Switzerland - Schaffhausen

Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Schauffhausen, Herrenacker 3, 1. Stock, 8200 Schaffhausen, Switzerland

Switzerland - Schwyz

Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Schwyz, Kollegiumstrasse 28, Postfach 2190, 6431 Schwyz, Switzerland

Switzerland - Solothurn

Departement für Bildung und Kultur des Kantons Solothurn, Rathaus, Barfüssergasse 24, 4509 Solothurn, Switzerland

Switzerland - St. Gallen

Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons St. Gallen, Davidstrasse 31, 9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Switzerland - Thurgau

Departement für Erziehung und Kultur des Kantons Thurgau, Regierungsgebäude, 8500 Frauenfeld, Switzerland

Switzerland - Ticino

Dipartimento dell'educazione, della cultura e dello sport del cantone Ticino, Rezidenza Governativa, 6501 Bellinzona, Switzerland

Switzerland - Uri

Bildungs- und Kulturdirektion des Kantons Uri, Klausenstrasse 4, 6460 Altdorf, Switzerland

Switzerland - Valais

Département de l'éducation, de la culture et du sport du canton du Valais, Place de la Planta 1 Case postale 478 Ancien bâtiment Aymon, 1951 Sion

Switzerland - Vaud

Département de la Formation de la Jeunesse, et de la Culture Direction générale de l'enseignement obligatoire (DGEO)

Switzerland - Zug

Direktion für Bildung und Kultur des Kantons Zug, Baarerstrasse 19, 6304 Zug, Switzerland

Switzerland - Zurich

Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich, Walcheplatz 2, Postfach, 8090 Zürich, Switzerland

Statement of Professional Standing

A Statement of Professional Standing is a letter from a licensing body or an education ministry that says your right to teach has never been suspended, revoked or cancelled.

The Statement of Professional Standing provides the Ontario College of Teachers with information regarding your past professional practice as a teacher. For example, it tells the College whether your authorization to teach has ever been taken away for disciplinary reasons or whether you would still be welcome to teach in that country, province or state.

You must arrange to have this statement sent to the College from the jurisdiction where you completed your teacher education and from every jurisdiction in which you have been certified to teach.

The statement must:

  • verify you were authorized to teach in that jurisdiction
  • state that your authorization was never suspended, cancelled or revoked
  • come directly to the College from the licensing authority or department of education
  • be an original and signed by the appropriate official
  • not be more than one year old when the College receives it
  • be in the official language of the country in which you taught.

The College recognizes some jurisdictions have no central authority governing the teaching profession. In these instances the College will accept other documents.

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Telephone: 416.961.8800

Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.888.534.2222


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Toll-Free (Canada and U.S.A.): 1.833.966.5588


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